[伊索寓言] 小偷和母亲

[伊索寓言] 小偷和母亲


The Thief and His Mother

A schoolboy stole a hornbook(字帖) from one of his schoolmates and brought it home to his mother...Soon thereafter he was tried and sentenced to death(被判死刑).  As he was being led toward the place of execution(执行)...She was wailing(惋惜) and beating her breast...  When she quickly drew near and placed her ear to her son's lips, he seized the lobe(耳垂) of it tightly between his teeth and bit if off.  Immediately she shrieked(尖叫), and the crow joined her in scolding the unnatural(不近人情的) son, as if his former evil ways had not been enough.  Now he had even gone a step further by committing this impious(不孝的) deed against his mother...."...If she had given me a sound flogging(鞭打) when I stole...I would never have grown so wicked(邪恶的) and come to this untimely(过早的) end."

Nip(掐断) evil in the bud(萌芽).

