


Intermediate - Everybody’s a critic!(C0043)

A:¿Que tal te pareci´ o la pel´´ıcula?

How did the movie seem to you?

B:Sabes que me gusto mucho la historia, pero no´ me gustaron las actuaciones de los actores.

You know I liked the story a lot, but I didn’t like the performances of the actors.

A:¿En serio? Pues a mi me parecio totalmente lo´opuesto que a ti, la historia se me hizo algo trillada y los personajes muy cre´ıbles.

Seriously? Well, to me it seemed totally the opposite of what you thought; the story seemed somewhat tired to me, and the characters very believable.

B:¿Cre´ıbles? ¿Crees que una enfermera que sufrede drogadiccion se ve tan guapa y bien maquil-´lada todo el tiempo?

Believable? You think that a nurse who suffffers from drug addiction always looks so beautiful with such perfect make up all the time?

A:Eso es a lo que me refifiero, una enfermera quesufre de drogadiccion, no se me hace una his-´toria muy interesante. En cambio, el hombre, el protagonista me parecio muy cre´´ıble.

That’s what I’m talking about, a nurse who suffffers from drug addiction to me doesn’t make that interesting of a story. On the other hand, the man, the main character seemed very credible to me.

B:No me parece, su actuacion ser´´ıa mejor si fuera mas dram´atico en algunas escenas, no conta-´giaba el sentimiento de frustracion y tristeza por´el que pasa el personaje.

I don’t think so, his performance would be better if it were more dramatic in some scenes, he didn’t convey the sense of frustration and sadness that his character was going through.

A:¡Que b´arbaro! Mejor deber´´ıas de ser cr´ıtico de cine, haces observaciones con mucho detalle.

What barbarity! You should be a fifilm critic, you make such detailed observations.

B:Gracias, pero la industria cinematografifica me´odiar´ıa porque soy muy criticon.´

Thanks but the fifilm industry would hate me because I’m so critical.

