


Upper-Intermediate - Cancel My Membership (D0042)

A:Hola senora. ¿Le puedo ayudar en algo?˜

Hello, ma’am. Can I help you with something?

B:S´ı, me puede ayudar en mucho.

Yes, you can help me with a lot.

A:D´ıgame, ¿Hay algun problema?´

Tell me. Is there some problem?

B:S´ı, no me comunicaron que sub´ıan su tarifa para

el gimnasio.

Yes, you did not communicate to me that you were raising

the membership fees for the gym.

A:Lo siento pero se puso un aviso en la entrada.

¿No lo vio?

I’m sorry, but a sign was posted on the door. You didn’t see


B:Si lo hubiera visto, no habr´ıa renovado mi mem


If I had seen it, I wouldn’t have renewed my membership.

A:Pero, ¿por que?´

But why?

B:Porque es ahora mas caro, pero los servicios son´

peores que antes.

Because it’s more expensive now, but the services are worse

than before.

A:Tenemos nuevas clases de aerobicos.´

We have new aerobics classes.

B:Lo se, y si hubieran cambiado las clases de´

aerobicos a pilates, me hubiera gustado seguir´

con ustedes, pero no lo hicieron, siendo que an teriormente las hab´ıan ofrecido.

I know, and if you had changed the aerobics classes to Pilates,

I would have liked to continue with you, but you didn’t, even though you had offffered it before.

A:Lo siento senora, pero la maestra de pilates can-˜celo a la´ultima hora.´

Sorry, ma’am, but the Pilates instructor canceled at the last minute.

B:Pues es una lastima porque si tuvieran esas´clases, yo no cancelar´ıa.

Well, that’s too bad, because if you had those classes, I wouldn’t be canceling.

A:Lo siento mucho senora, le cancelar˜e su mem-´bres´ıa.

I’m very sorry, ma’am, I will cancel your membership.

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