






1.What does the woman do?

A.An editor.B.A nurse.C.A housewife.

2.What does the sign say?



3. Where will the woman stop on her way?

A.At a cigarette store.

B.At a bus station.

C.At a gas station.

4.What does the woman mean?

A.He won’t make much money.

B.He may not sell his paintings.

C.He won’t be able to buy a new car.

5. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.B.Patient and nurse.

C.Student and teacher.




6.How many countries are mentioned in the dialogue?

A.Four. B.Three. C.Five.

7. Why did the man visit those countries?

A.For holidays. B.For work.

C.Both A and B.

8. In what country do you think the man stayed the longest time?

A.France.B.Japan. C.Italy.


9.When will the man leave?


10.Who told the man the news?

A.His sister.B.His father.

C.His mother.

11.How long will the man stay at home at most?

A.2 days. B.3 days. C.4 days.


12.What is Sally doing?

A.Reading a letter. B.Washing clothes.

C.Making a phone call.

13.Why does Tom ask Sally and John to call him?

A.He wants to meet them at the station.

B.He wants to invite them to dinner.

C.He wants them to visit his family.

14.What is Tom’s telephone number?



15.Where is Mr Green staying?

A.At the next door.

B.At the Star Hotel.

C.At a restaurant.

16. What kind of food does Mr Green like?

A.Chinese food.

B.Fast food.

C.European food.

17. When did the conversation take place?

A.In the morning.B.At night.

C.In the afternoon.


18. For what reason did so many people gather on the Golden Gate Bridge?

A.They wanted to use the opening of the bridge.

B.They wanted to walk across the bridge.

C.They wanted to get involved in celebrating the 50th birthday of the bridge.

19. When did the bridge walk begin?

A.It began at the time when the sun was rising.

B.It began at the time when the sun was setting.

C.It began at the time when the moon was rising.

20.How long did the party last?

A.It lasted four hours.

B.It lasted the whole day.

C.It lasted half a day.


(Text 1)

M: The work is rather hard,but it’s interesting.

W:Mine isn’t hard,but it’s not so interesting.

M:What do you do?

W:I work in a publishing house.

(Text 2)

M: Oh,wow,the Mona Lisa,a very famous painting,and it is the real one.I must take a photo of it.

W:I’m afraid you can’t.Look at the sign.

M:I’m afraid I didn’t notice.I’ll not do so.

(Text 3)

M: Please buy two packs of cigarettes for me while you are at the store.

W:I’m not going to see Aunt Mary,but I will get them for you at the gas station.

(Text 4)

M:When I sell my paintings,I’m going to buy a new car.

W:Well,don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.

(Text 5)

W: Could you please explain the homework for the next class?

M:Sure.Pick out the important people during the French and write a passage about them.

(Text 6)

W: Have you travelled much?

M:Well,I’ve been around the world several times.

W:What countries have you visited?

M:I have been to France,Italy,Japan and Ireland.

W:Why did you visit them? Was it just for vacation or work?

M:In most cases,it was just for vacation.I once worked in France for two years.

W:Have you ever been to Britain on vacation?

M:Oh,yes.I’ve often been to Britain.

(Text 7)

W: I hear you’re going home,aren’t you?

M:I wanted to go on Monday,but I couldn’t get a ticket for Monday,I bought a ticket for Tuesday.

W:Why are you in such a hurry?

M:My mother is ill.She has been sent to the hospital.

W:How did you get the news? Did your mother send you a letter?

M:My sister telephoned me this morning.She asked my father and me to go back.

W:Then how long are you going to stay at home,two or three days?

M:At most four days.I’ll be back for the meeting.

(Text 8)

M: Sally,here is a letter for us.It’s from Tom.

W:Can you read it,please? My hands are wet with all this washing.

M:Well,OK.“Dear Sally and John.Thanks for your letter.It was good to hear from you.Just a short note in reply.I was happy to hear that you two will be in town in January.I think that is the first time that you will have come to visit us after your marriage.Please do call me when you arrive so that I can pick you up at the station and then we may have dinner together in town.In case you don’t have my number,it’s 7807842. I look forward to meeting you soon.Yours,Tom.”

(Text 9)

W: How do you like Hong Kong,Mr Green?

M:Very much.

W:Are you staying at a hotel?

M:Yes,at the Star Hotel,next door to this building.


M:It’s nearly one o’clock! I’m hungry.Is there a good restaurant nearby?

W:Yes,there are several.Would you like to eat Chinese food or European?

M:Er,European,I think.But would you like to have lunch with me?

W:Well,thank you.I’d like to.

M:Good,would you like to choose a better restaurant?

W:Well,there’s Brown’s.The food’s very good,but I’m afraid it’s rather expensive.

M:That’s all right,Miss Jiang.Shall we go,then?

(Text 10)

It was San Francisco’s biggest party.As many as 800,000 people crowded together on the Golden Gate Bridge.They wanted to be a part of the history of the bridge.The crowd broke all the records.There were many more people than anyone had expected.   The party was for the 50th anniversary of the bridge opening.The Golden Gate Bridge was famous when it was built.Today,it is a beautiful landmark of San Francisco.   The party began with a walk across the bridge that started at sunrise.One woman said,“This is the greatest day in the history of San Francisco.There’s no better day to walk the bridge.”   The bridge walk lasted four hours.Many people felt the bridge move in the wind as the crowd walked across.   The sunrise walk was just the beginning of a full day of games,concerts and a parade of old cars.Some of the people and cars crossed the bridge on the opening day fifty years ago.Many of the older folks walked across the bridge when it was opened in 1937.Some came back with their grandchildren.




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