






1.Who is Mr White?

A.A salesman. B.A professor. C.A repairman.

2.Where does the woman work?

A.In a restaurant. B.In a hotel. C.In a department store.

3.What time does the man think they will leave?

A.At 7:15.B.At 7:25.C.At 7:35.

4.What does the man mean?

A.He didnt like the work so much because it kept him working long hours.

B.He didnt like the work because it wasnt interesting.

C.He liked the work very much.

5.What was the mark the woman got in her exam?





6.What do you think about the bread?

A.Its soft.B.Its not fresh.C.Its delicious.

7.What does the man think the woman should do ?

A.She should throw it away.

B.She should eat it.

C.She should take it back to the supermarket.


8.Why cant the girl go to the movies?

A.She has to review her lessons.

B.She has seen the movie before.

C.She doesnt want to go with the boy.

9.What does the boy think about the girl?

A.She never studies hard.

B.She studies very well.

C.She wont pass the exam.


10.Whom does the man want to talk with?

A.Mr White.B.Jim.C.Dr Smith.

11.Where is Dr Smith?

A.He is in his office.B.Nobody knows.C.He is at home.

12.Which number is CORRECT?



13.What does the doctor do first?

A.Give the patient some medicine.B.Take the patients temperature.

C.Let the patient go home.

14.How long has it been bothering the patient?

A.For a long time.B.About two days.C.More than one week.

15.What is the trouble with the patient?

A.He has a fever,feels thirsty,and cant sleep well.

B.He has a fever and a bad cough,and cant sleep well.

C.He has a fever and a toothache and cant sleep well.

16.What should the patient do?

A.Stay in bed and drink plenty of water.

B.Take the medicine and stop to eat when she feels good.

C.Take the medicine and go to the doctors in three days.


17.What is the speaker in charge of?

A.A small supermarket.

B.A large supermarket.

C.A small branch of a large supermarket.

18.What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A.The prevention of shoplifting.

B.The causes of shoplifting.

C.The purpose of shoplifting.

19.Who form the great part of shoplifters?

A.People in their early thirties.

B.People in their twenties.


20.Which measure is NOT taken to prevent shoplifting?

A.Putting chains or alarms on goods.

B.Hiring store detectives.

C.Using closed-circuit television.



答案1~5 CBCAA6~10 BCABC11~15 CABBA16~20 CCACA


Text 1

M:My radio doesnt work.What do you think I should do?

W:Why not call Mr White?

Text 2

M:I want to have this shirt washed and this suit dry-cleaned.

W:Very well,sir.Your name and room number,please.

Text 3

M:Are we supposed to leave at 7:35?

W:Im not sure.All I remember is that the flight number is 733.

Text 4

W:How did you like your work as a reporter?

M:Well,it was interesting.But I had to work long hours.I was never at home on weekends.

Text 5

W:I got 90 in my math exam.

M:I got 95,but Linda was the best in my class.She got 98.

Text 6

M:Take a look at this bread.

W:Oh,its as hard as a rock.

M:Where did you buy it?

W:In the supermarket,just yesterday.

M:You should take it back.

Text 7

M:Do you want to go to the movies tonight?

W:I cant.I have to review my lessons.

M:Are you having a test tomorrow?

W:Yes.Were having our mid-term exam.

M:I wish you good luck.

W:Thanks.But Im a little nervous.

M:Nervous?You used to study very well.

W:But I havent studied for a long time.

Text 8

M:Hello,is that Dr Smiths office?

W:Yes,it is.May I help you?

M:Yes,Id like to speak to Dr Smith,please.

W:Dr Smith went home this afternoon.May I ask who is calling?

M:This is Jim White.

W:Oh yes,Mr White.Dr Smith asked me to give you his home phone number.

M:Just a moment,please.Yes,whats the number?

W:His number is 77231059.


W:Thats right.

M:Thank you very much.

Text 9

M:Whats the matter with you?

W:Im not feeling well,doctor.I have a fever.

M:Ill take your temperature first.How long have you been like this?

W:It began yesterday.

M:Do you feel thirsty?


M:Do you sleep well?

W:No,last night I could hardly sleep.

M:Well,its probably the flu.Take this to the drugstore.


M:Take the medicine and come back in three days.

Text 10

Well,I manage a small branch of a large supermarket,and we lose a lot of money through shoplifting.I have to try to prevent it,or else Ill lose all my profits.A lot of shopliftings are done by teenagers in groups.They do it for fun.Theyre not frightened so we have to make it difficult for them.Obviously a supermarket cant have chains or alarms on the goods.So we have store detectives,who walk around the shop like ordinary shoppers,otherwise theyll be recognized.We have big signs up,saying,“Shoplifters will be punished”,but that doesnt help much.Weve started putting cash desks at all the exits to prevent the shoplifters walking straight out with things.Of course,that worries the ordinary shopper who hasnt found what he wanted.We also use closed-circuit television,but thats expensive.In fact,all good methods of prevention are quite expensive,and naturally,they make our prices more expensive.But it has to be done.otherwise shoplifting itself will make all the prices much higher,and the public doesnt want that!

  • 听友281934303


    咩咩咩小洋羊 回复 @听友281934303: 有啊,答案夹在文字的最中间,在试题和听力原文的中间。1~5 CBCAA6~10 BCABC11~15 CABBA16~20 CCACA

  • 未接来电_


    听友348358895 回复 @未接来电_: 确实有点简单

  • 等待一个归期未定的人


    咩咩咩小洋羊 回复 @等待一个归期未定的人: 声音旁边就有文稿

  • Snowandaurora


  • 变得闪闪发光


  • JJJJJaneoh

    明天就考试了 加油加油加油!

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    全对 今天6.3 6.78高考

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