这节课的新单词比较少,但你都掌握好了吗?欢迎晒出你的笔记哟~ 👉🏻新概念英语1册(6天精讲入门)——0元开课,点击https://m.ximalaya.com/gatekeeper/xmkp-growth-marketing/consume/12050/wx
Susan_az0 回复 @长今成长史: 谢谢上图,我正好没带书
听友521250872 回复 @青儿1113: 是的呢
love you have been on the other day
听友298097093 回复 @土鳖惹到我: so?
hhhhggggghghhhhhhjjshwbwbwbwbwbwbwb hhhhh Gggffgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh ftrrr
g is a great day of your life and the other day of your life and the other day of your life and the other day of your life and the other day of your life and the other day of your life and the other day of your life and the other day of your life and the other day of your life and the other day of y
i am so happy that I am so happy that I am so happy that I am so happy that I am so happy that I am so happy that I am so happy that I am so happy that ww The rest of school of your life is history and the rest is a good time for you to everyone that was my favorite song I have a great time with you
let you know that we can do it again and the other day of school of your friends are going through some reason to get the rest of your life and I am a good day for me and I am a good time for me and the rest is history of your life and I am so happy that I am so happy that I have a great time I am
这节课的新单词比较少,但你都掌握好了吗?欢迎晒出你的笔记哟~ 👉🏻新概念英语1册(6天精讲入门)——0元开课,点击https://m.ximalaya.com/gatekeeper/xmkp-growth-marketing/consume/12050/wx
唐逗逗的曾祖宗十八代 回复 @新概念英语: 1 http:/1#Xm000xdgIJ#"