6A U6b

6A U6b


  一、听录音, 找出你所听到的内容。 听两遍
  1. You can’ t litter anywhere
  2. Rubbish and smoke make our city messy
  3. There are some books on the floor. Pick them up.
  4. Don’t throw the rubbish on the ground.
  5. The king walked through the city.
  6. Be careful, or you’ll slip on the floor

       7. Your room is very dirty. Pick the rubbish up.
  8. Can you keep your classroom clean?
  9. Plants keep the air clean
  10. We should move the factories away from the city.
  二.听录音, 根据所听内容选择合适的答句。 听两遍
       1. What makes our city dirty?
  2. What can we do to make the air clean?
  3. Is our city clean?
  4. Can you put rubbish in the bin?
  5. What should we do?
  三.听录音, 选出正确的答案。 听两遍
  1. A: Look, there’s a sign over there.
  B: Yes, we shouldn’t eat or drink here.
  Question: What does the sign mean?
  2. A: What is the boy in the yellow sweater doing?
  B: He is doing some exercise.
  Question: What colour is the boy’s sweater?
  3. A: Dad, don’t smoke in the cinema.
  B: Sorry, Nancy, I see. There’s a sign on the wall.
  Question: Where are Nancy and her Dad?
  4. A: Can I watch TV, Mum?
  B: No, you can’t. It’s ten to nine. You should go to bed.
  Question: What time is it?
  5. A: What day is it today?
  B: It’s Sunday.
  Question: What day was it yesterday?
  四. 听录音, 判断下列句子是否与对话内容相符, 相符的打“√”, 不相符的打“×”。 听两遍
A:There is a lake in the park. Let’s go and play there.
  B: Great! Let’s go.
  A: Can we play football in the park?
  B: No, we can’t.
  A: Why not?
  B: Look at the sign over there.
  A: Oh, yes. There are lots of signs there.
  B: Look! We can’t ride our bikes near the lake, and we can’t feed the fish in the lake.
  A: What can we do?
  B: I have a Walkman. We can listen to music.
  A: Yes. There’s not a sign “Don’t listen to music” near the lake.
  五.听录音, 补全短文。 听三遍
  Our city becomes messy and dirty because of the smoke and rubbish. To keep the city clean, we should do our best. We can take the bus or walk to school every day. We can put rubbish in the bin. We can plant more trees. They can keep the air clean.

  • 清瑟海
  • 木马木马呼呼

  • 木马木马呼呼

  • 木马木马呼呼


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