6A 期末A

6A 期末A




1. Each student can get one notebook.

2. How fine the weather is!

3. I usually go to the Children’s Palace at weekends.

4. I couldn’t write then.

5. Excuse me, sir. You shouldn’t litter here.

6. Let’s put the rubbish in the bin.

7. We talked about our plan yesterday.

8. They are going to do the project next month.


1. What did your mother do for the holiday?

2. Did you climb up the hill?

3. What day is it today?

4. There are some students on the sign. What does it mean?

5. What makes the air dirty?

6. What can you do to keep the school clean?


1. A: What day is it today?

B: It is Wednesday today.

A: How was your party last night?

B: Great. Everyone had a lot of fun.

2. A: Oh, It’s raining. We have to go home by taxi.

B: I don't think so. It will stop in a moment. We can go home on foot.

3. A: Dear visitors, look, that’s the Big Ben.

B: Oh, my god. The clock is really so big.

4. A: How was your day, boys?

B: Not so good. First we lost our way in the forest, and then the birds ate up our lunch.At last, we were wet because of the rain.

5. A: You draw beautiful pictures. How old are you?

B: I’m twelve years old. I met a good Art teacher when I was ten. And then I began to draw well.

四.听录音,根据对话内容,判断句子正误,用“T”或“F”表示。 听三遍

It is nine thirty in the morning.  Mr Green and his students are going out on a picnic. They are now in the park. Look, the girls in the beautiful dresses are Su Hai and Su Yang. They’re twins. They are singing and dancing. Who’s the girl under the big tree? She’s Nancy. She’s reading a storybook carefully. Where is Mr Green? He is playing games with Helen and other students. But Liu Tao and David are fishing near the river. Then a park keeper comes up to them. He points to a sign near the river.  Liu Tao and David say sorry and leave quickly.


A: Let’s make a poster about protecting the Earth.

B: Good  idea . Our mother Earth is sick. We should help her.

A: Let me  draw a circle first. It’s the Earth. It’s black , because there’s a lot of  smoke on it.

B: Let me draw some dead fish, because rubbish  makes the river dirty.

A: Let me draw two eyes and a mouth. Look, the Earth is crying.

B: Let’s  write “Who can save  me?”on it.  

A: OK. Our poster is ready . It looks great  .

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