Phrases with in

Phrases with in

Phrases with in
*用于一段时间前 The preposition “in” is used before a period of time.
1. I’m going out now. I’ll be back in two hours.我现在要出去。两个小时内回来
2. He has gone abroad. He will return in two years’ time.他去了国外,他将在两年内回来
3. He ran a hundred meters in thirteen seconds.他在13秒内跑完了100米

*用于年份、季节、月份和星期前The preposition “in” is used before year, season ,month and week.
1. He was born in 2003.他出生于2003年
2. The weather here is very hot in summer.夏天这里的天气很热。
3. The days are very short in December.十二月白天非常短
4. I never go to the cinema in the week. 在这个星期里我从未去过电影院

*用在上午、下午、晚上前The preposition “in” is also used before morning , afternoon and evening.
1. I’m in my office in the morning. I’m out of office in the afternoon.上午我在办公室。下午我不在办公室。
2. We left early n the morning.早上我很早离开了
3. In the evening,I usually watch TV.晚上我经常看电视
