[伊索寓言] 弓箭手与狮子

[伊索寓言] 弓箭手与狮子


The Archer and the Lion

An archer, known for his skill with bow and arrow, went to the mountains

in search of game...Only the lion challenged him to combat (决斗), whereupon

the archer immediately launched an arrow and cried out, "My messenger (送信者) 

has something to say to you!"

  The lion was wounded in the side, and smarting (剧烈疼痛) with pain, he fled deep into

the thickets (灌木丛)...

  ..."if a mere (仅仅) messenger can do as much damage as he's already done, how

shall I withstand (抵挡) the attack of the man who sent him?" 


It is not a very pleasant feeling to have a neighbor who can easily strike from a distance.

