英文演讲:Pain Is Your Friend

英文演讲:Pain Is Your Friend


We all know the students that complain about their grades, but then do nothing about it. I'm failing my exams, the exams are too difficult. What are you doing about it, you got to take action in your life, find a solution to your problem, don't be the problem, take action. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.


It reminds me of the words of William Hollis, imagine if you got what you want, every time, no struggle, no challenges, no hard work required, some of you are saying, that would be great, you would be weak, and then when something hard comes up in your life, you wouldn't know how to handle it, because you have never gone through anything that strengthens you.


You cannot grow without struggle, you cannot grow without resistance, pain is your friend, maybe not in the moment but in the long term, to develop a stronger human being, pain is your friend.


If you didn't have failures, if you didn't fail some exams, if you didn't get knocked back in class, you would have no strength, no courage.


How could you, you are given pain because you're strong enough to handle it, you're given this life because you are strong enough to live it, because you are strong enough to drive through it, to inspire others through it, they will look to you and say, he did it, she did it, and I have the strength to do it too. You are stronger than you think.


