

第165天:“Congratulations!” He beams down at me, green eyes twinkling. What a surprise. His dirty blonde hair tousled and sexy-looking. He’s as beautiful as Kate. The family resemblance is striking. “Wow – Ethan! How lovely to see you. Dad, this is Ethan, Kate’s brother. Ethan, this is my dad, Ray Steele.” They shake hands, my dad coolly assessing Mr. Kavanagh. “When did you get back from Europe?” I ask. “I’ve been back for a week, but I wanted to surprise my little sister,” he says conspiratorially. “That’s so sweet.” I grin up at him. “She is Valedictorian, couldn’t miss that.” He looks immensely proud of his sister. “She gave a great speech.” “That she did,” Ray agrees.Ethan has his arm around my waist when I look up into the frosty gray eyes of Christian Grey. Kate is beside him.“Hello, Ray,” Kate kisses Ray on both cheeks, making him blush. “Have you met Ana’s boyfriend? Christian Grey.” Holy shit… Kate! Fck! All the blood drains from my face. “Mr. Steele, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Christian says smoothly, warmly, completely unflustered by Kate’s introduction. He holds out his hand, which, all credit to Ray, Ray takes, not showing a hint of the drop-dead surprise he’s just had thrust upon him.Thank you very much, Katherine Kavanagh, I fume. I think my subconscious has fainted.
“Mr. Grey,” Ray murmurs, his expression indecipherable except perhaps for the slight widening of his big brown eyes. They slide over my face with a when-were-you-going-to-give-me-this-news look. I bite my lip.“And this is my brother, Ethan Kavanagh.” says Kate to Christian. Christian turns his arctic glare on Ethan, who still has one arm around me.“Mr. Kavanagh.” They shake hands. Christian holds his hand out to me.
“Ana, baby,” he murmurs, and I nearly expire at the endearment. I walk out of Ethan’s grasp, while Christian smiles icily at him, and I take my place at his side. Kate grins at me. She knows exactly what she’s doing, the vixen! “Ethan, Mom and Dad wanted a word.” Kate drags Ethan away. “So how long have you kids known each other?” Ray looks impassively from Christian to me. The power of speech has deserted me. I want the ground to swallow me up. Christian puts his arm around me, his thumb skimming my naked back in a caress, before his hand clasps my shoulder.
“Couple of weeks or so now,” he says smoothly. “We met when Anastasia came to interview me for the student magazine.” “Didn’t know you worked on the student magazine, Ana.” Ray’s voice is a quiet admonishment, revealing his irritation. Shit. “Kate was ill,” I murmur. It’s all I can manage. “Fine speech you gave, Mr. Grey.”“Thank you, sir. I understand that you’re a keen fisherman.”
(1)The family resemblance is striking.: 家族基因真强大啊。Resemble: If one thing or person resembles another, they are similar to each other. E.g.: She so resembles her mother.
(2)I wanted to surprise my little sister,” he says conspiratorially.悄咪咪地说着;一副早有预谋的样子
(3)I look up into the frosty gray eyes of Christian Grey. /He turns his arctic glare on Ethan. 冷冰冰的
(4)Kate kisses Ray on both cheeks 贴面吻
(5)Unflustered:fluster: If you fluster someone, you make them feel nervous and confused by rushing them and preventing them from concentrating on what they are doing. Unflustered 不慌不忙的;淡定自若的
(6)drop-dead surprise:If you describe someone as, for example, drop-dead gorgeous, you mean that they are so gorgeous that people cannot fail to notice them. 极其;非常
(7)I fume. 气死了;火冒三丈 If you fume over
something, you express annoyance and anger about it./ rage
(8)his expression is indecipherable: inscrutable 难以理解的
(9)I take my place at his side. 我站到他的身边
(10) Vixen:泼妇
(11)Mom and Dad wanted a word. 爸妈想跟你说句话。
(12)Ray’s voice is a quiet admonishment. Admonishment: admonish: If you admonish someone, you tell them very seriously that they have done something wrong. 批评;谴责;警告;劝告。 他的声音里满是劝告的意味。warn=advise=/reprove=chide=rebuke=reprimand=reproach
