



【节目的中英文全文可以关注微信公众号Zoey八点英语 回复 三十而已 获取】




He has an unhealthy attachment style due to his past trauma in childhood.

He was neglected by his parents as his mother only focused on Chen Yu’s younger brother.

Psychologist Dr. Lisa Firestone says, children who always failed to meet their needs will form an avoidant attachment style. They develop a sense of shame, thinking, “I am not worth paying attention to.” Then they disconnect from their needs in an effort to avoid feeling this shame.

在陈屿小的时候,妈妈似乎只关注他的弟弟,连鸡蛋被弟弟砸了,自己委屈被骂,也只能默默承受。心理学家博主Dr. Lisa Firestone说,当人在童年的时候经常感觉自己的需求没有被关注和满足,就可能形成逃避型的依恋模式。


They may learn that the best way to deal with their frustration at not having their needs met is to act like they don’t have any.




They want to be in a relationship, but they resist experiencing or showing any need for emotional closeness. They may have a tendency to seek out isolation, emotionally distancing themselves from their partner. They can appear to be more focused on themselves and to value their priorities above their partner’s. They can seem cool, often showing annoyance when their partner is expressing feelings or needs, believing their partner is being “childish” or “dramatic.”





But actually they’re just scared of being hurt and feeling shameful. This way, they never let anybody hurt them — even though they end up alone anyway.




So, how to overcome an insecure avoidant attachment style?


Berit Brogaard says on Psychology Today that first of all, you need to find out who you can trust and who you cannot trust.


怎么样才能克服这种逃避型依恋模式呢?Dr. Berit Brogaard在Psychology Today的博文里写道,首先要找出那些你可以信任的人。


Maybe you can make a list of your deepest secrets, listing the most unimportant secrets first, which are those people don’t know about but would not destroy your reputation. Start by sharing these unimportant or less important secrets with people you think you can potentially trust. That way, you can find out whether you can actually trust them.




And secondly, confront people by speaking up immediately (not 10 days later). Don’t ever change yourself for the sake of pleasing another person. Tell people what you like and don’t like. It’s OK to feel the shame.




就像《How to Stop Feeling Like Shit》《如何停止不开心》中作者Andrea Owen就分享过“逃避“这一个坏习惯是如何让你不开心的。


She says that you may have compiled your list: meditation, yoga, follow this person on Instagram, and read all the books. But here’s what I know to be true: that checklist won’t make you happy and joyful. The "answer" — the key to your happiness — lies in connecting the dots from your past to your current behavior and shining the light on things that hurt. It’s about facing the obstacles, working through and processing them, and loving yourself along the way.








So if you’re having an avoidant partner, try to practice patience when he or she pushes you away. Communicate with words, not tantrums. Ask for what you want rather than complaining about what you don’t want.


If you chase people who need space, they will likely run even faster or turn and fight. When people with avoidant personality withdraw, let them.




Once they realize that they are safe and intimacy will not cause them the same pain they experienced as a child, a healthier relationship may be reaffirmed through time.







【节目的中英文全文可以关注微信公众号Zoey八点英语 回复 三十而已 获取】

  • 听友187557496


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @听友187557496: 谢谢~ 爱你~

  • 佛系少女_tj


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @佛系少女_tj:

  • 蛋挞蛋


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @蛋挞蛋: 同粉丝一枚

  • 旺旺2001


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @旺旺2001: 可以搜 爱在午夜降临前 插曲噢

  • 逐寒_fg

    有一次来评论啦,一直在默默支持zoey姐姐,和大家推荐,每次大周回家都安静的听完更新。真喜欢zoey姐姐的声音,感觉特别治愈。希望姐姐能一直坚持下去。加油!(每次姐姐的题材都很棒~( ̄▽ ̄~)~)

    Zoey朱珠 回复 @逐寒_fg: 谢谢你~

  • 听友250758482


  • 吃鱼0o0


    名字真的难改 回复 @吃鱼0o0: 啥意思?

  • xmla九三


    Zoey朱珠 回复 @xmla九三: 么么哒

  • 魔笔生花


  • 听友257051594

    刚刚听不久 现在慢慢的每天听 爱了爱了

    Zoey朱珠 回复 @听友257051594: