99 场景复习:运动休闲(二)

99 场景复习:运动休闲(二)





“健身”,英文是go to the gym,字面上的意思就是“去健身房”。还可以用另一个词组:work out。W-o-r-k, work,加上o-u-t, out:work out。Work out是一个动词词组,把两个词连在一起,就可以变成一个名词workout,也是“健身”的意思。

坚持收听我们节目的朋友们可能还记得,摄影师Richard的妻子Marilyn就特别喜欢workout.她在健身房练的项目是aerobics,健美操。她还曾经跟Richard打过赌、看谁能撑过一位老师高强度的aerobics class.  

那么朋友们你们在健身房都会做些什么运动呢?有不少朋友喜欢玩器械吧。健身用的“器械”,英文就是“machine”,就是表示机器的那个词。如果想练力量,gain strength,或者练肌肉build muscles,你可能会做很多力量训练,比如weight lifting举重。

Weight 是”重量“;l-i-f-t, lift,意思是把……抬起来;weight lifting,就是“举重”。练习weight lifting,你可能会用到barbell或者是dumbbell。Barbell,是由b-a-r, bar,和b-e-l-l, bell组合成的一个词,就是“杠铃”;而dumbbell由d-u-m-b, dumb,和bell组成。dumb就是表示“哑的,不能讲话的那个词dumbbell,大家应该猜到了,就是”哑铃“。

注意dumb这个词的发音,词尾的d不发音,这个词读dumb。“哑铃”就是dumbbell。如果你健身的目的是减肥lose weight,那你可能需要做很多“有氧运动”,英文叫aerobics;对,跟Marilyn喜欢的“健美操”是一个词。常见的aerobic exercises包括running on a treadmill,在跑步机上跑步,或者swimming游泳等等。


- Hey, James! Do you go to the gym often?

- Yes! I try to, but sometimes I’m… you know, a bit lazy. What about you?

- Me? I can’t imagine a day going by without a workout!

- Oh! What do you usually do at the gym?

- Weight lifting, and a few other things. Usually I do like forty-five minutes of different kinds of lifts and then about an hour of stretching afterwards. 

- Do you work out on the machines?

- Yes! The machines are pretty good at the gym that I usually go to!

- So you really like that gym, dont you?

- Well, kind of… but it’s definitely not perfect, you know. The problem is, not many people go there to work out. Many just use the gym as a place for socializing.

- Socializing?

- Yes! They just sit on a machine and talk for forty-five minutes.

- Unbelievable!

- Yeah, you pay a lot of money to become a member, and then you just go and hang out! Can you believe it?


我们学习下刚才对话里面一些有用的表达。当Peter问James喜不喜欢健身的时候,James说:I can’t imagine a day going by without a workout!表示时间“流逝”,我们用go by这个词组,比如,我们经常挂在嘴边说的,“随着时间的流逝”,英文可以说: As time goes by…。

workout,我们刚才说过,作名词使用,意思就是“健身”。Peter的意思就是我无法想象有一天不健身!Peter用的这个句式我们可以学一下:I can’t imagine a day going by without…用来表示某件事情对你而言的重要性。

比如,如果你是个工作狂,你可能会说:I can’t imagine a day going by without work!如果你喜欢读书,可以说,I can’t imagine a day going by without a book.如果你喜欢追剧,你该怎么说?对了,I can’t imagine a day going by without soap operas!

另外有一个词组可以学一下,hang out。这个词组可以表示“消磨时间”。表示“消磨时间”可不是只有我们喜欢用的kill time。对话里面,Peter说有些人spend a lot of money to become a member,花了很多钱成为会员那个健身房只是为了hang out。你也可以试试用下这个词组,比如,你可能会说,We often hang out in that pub.我们总是在那里泡吧。


- Hey, James! Do you go to the gym often?

- Yes! I try to, but sometimes I’m… you know, a bit lazy. What about you?

- Me? I can’t imagine a day going by without a workout!

- Oh! What do you usually do at the gym?

- Weight lifting, and a few other things. Usually I do like forty-five minutes of different kinds of lifts and then about an hour of stretching afterwards. 

- Do you work out on the machines?

- Yes! The machines are pretty good at the gym that I usually go to!

- So you really like that gym, dont you?

- Well, kind of… but it’s definitely not perfect, you know. The problem is, not many people go there to work out. Many just use the gym as a place for socializing.

- Socializing?

- Yes! They just sit on a machine and talk for forty-five minutes.

- Unbelievable!

- Yeah, you pay a lot of money to become a member, and then you just go and hang out! Can you believe it?


