96 场景复习:公司风云(二)

96 场景复习:公司风云(二)



上节课开始,我们进入到了“公司风云”这一场景。我们学习了在用英文进行求职面试是可能会遇到的三个问题:Tell me something about yourself/ Why are you leaving your job?以及What are your strengths? 今天,我们继续来聊英语面试时可能碰到的问题。


面试,英文是interview;面试官interviewer,就是给interview加上后缀er;参加面试的人,叫interviewee,就是在interview后面加上两个e。昨天我们说到,interviewer有可能会问到你的strengths长处。我们接下来听一段对话,看看人力资源部的interviewer这时又问了Thomas, the interviewee一些什么问题。

HR: What are your weaknesses?

Thomas: I think I’m a big-picture kind of guy, so I don’t often pay attention to small details. Luckily, there are members in my team who do, so we’ve been able to complete our jobs without issues.

HR: Why do you want to work here?

Thomas: I’ve read that your company is a leader in this industry. I visited your website, and found your plans for future projects. I’m interested in many of them. I believe your company is exactly what I’ve been looking for.

HR: Do you have any questions for me?

Thomas: What is the next step in the process?

HR: We’ll call you in three days, and let know the results!

不知大家有没有听清楚,这位interviewer又给Thomas挖了个坑。刚才问的第一个问题是:What are your weaknesses?你的弱点是什么?面试的时候要自曝弱点,这可有点棘手This is kind of tough。只能找些不痛不痒的说。可能大家还记得,Thomas应聘的是marketing manager市场部经理,是一个管理岗位。所以他说自己是一个big-picture kind of guy。

英文里面有个习语,the big picture,字面上的意思是“一大幅图”,其实,这个习语的意思是the situation as a whole,就是“整个局面”,“大局”的意思;Thomas说自己是一个big-picture kind of guy,意思就是说自己是一个有大局观的人。HR问的是缺点,Thomas先夸自己有大局观,然后才说自己的弱点是:I don’t pay attention to details.我不大关注细节。

Detail是“细节”的意思,我们注意一下这个词的重音位置,在前面那个音节:detail。说完自己的弱点:I don’t often pay attention to details. 之后,Thomas马上又说了解决方案:Luckily there are members in my team who do,我们团队有关注细节的人,so we’ve been able to complete our jobs without issues.

完成工作,是complete one’s jobs;表示“问题”,这边用到了issue这个词。大家可能更喜欢用problem。一般来说,老外听到issue,会觉得还好;但是一听到什么事情是一个problem,那事可大了。比如说,忘记吃午餐,那只是一件issue,如果丢了工作,那才是一个problem.刚才对话里面Thomas说We’ve been able to complete our jobs without issues.就是说我们可以没有任何issue地完成工作,也就是说我们可以完美地完成工作。

回顾一下Thomas对于 “What are your weaknesses?”这个问题的回答,Thomas先是说了下自己的优点I’m a big-picture kind of guy,接着才说自己的缺点:don’t often pay attention to details,紧接着又给了一个解决方案:there are members in my team who do。满满的套路,你学会了吗?

接下来一个问题是why do you want to work here?你为什么想在我们公司工作呢?我们去一个公司应聘,事先当然要做一下research,了解一下这个公司的相关情况。Thomas在一番调查之后发现Your company is a leader in this industry。我们知道,leader是“领导”的意思,通常指“人”,但我们说一个公司是业界的“龙头老大”,也会用leader这个词:a leader in this industry。

最后一个问题:Do you have any questions for me?你有什么问题要问我吗?HR的问题问完了,最后都会抛出这样一个问题给面试者。Thomas的回答我们也可以急着备用:What is the next step in the process? process是“程序”的意思,What is the next step in the process?就是问,面试结束之后是什么流程?

注意next和step的连读,next结尾的/t/和step开头的s连起来,读/tz/, next step。你们可以试一下嘛?next step,What is the next step in the process?



HR: What are your weaknesses?

Thomas: I think I’m a big-picture kind of guy, so I don’t often pay attention to small details. Luckily, there are members in my team who do, so we’ve been able to complete our jobs without issues.

HR: Why do you want to work here?

Thomas: I’ve read that your company is a leader in this industry. I visited your website, and found your plans for future projects. I’m interested in many of them. I believe your company is exactly what I’ve been looking for.

HR: Do you have any questions for me?

Thomas: What is the next step in the process?

HR: We’ll call you in three days, and let know the results!




