在餐厅里吃到合口味的菜肴总是很开心的一件事,想要跟朋友描述这道菜、分享它给你带来的喜悦、顺便把出品这道菜的餐馆安利给你的朋友,该怎样用英语来表达呢?除了说excellent/ wonderful/fabulous之外,我们还能用更丰富的语言把这道菜描述的更加诱人一点吗?
My favorite dish in that restaurant is salami spaghetti. The spaghetti is combined with rich cream sauce and topped with salami slices. The salami is quite salty, but this strong taste is balanced by the cream sauce.
大家听出来了吗?我刚才说到了这道意面的食材,除了spaghetti,意大利细面条, 还包括:rich creamsauce,浓稠的奶油酱以及salami slices萨拉米香肠薄片。Cream sauce是“奶油酱”;形容酱料“浓稠”,我们可以用r-i-c-h,rich这个词:rich cream sauce。
salami刚才说过,是意大利一种香肠的名字;slice, s-l-i-c-e,在这里作名词用,意思“薄片”;salami slices就是“萨拉米香肠薄片”。刚才介绍食材的时候,我用到了两个动词,一个是combine,是“混合”的意思:The spaghetti is combined with rich cream sauce;另一个动词是t-o-p,top,在这边作动词用。
一道菜最后浇上什么或者盖上什么就可以说这道菜is topped with something。你是不是想起了我们常吃的“盖浇饭”或者“盖浇面”?“浇头”是什么,我们就可以说这份饭或者面“is topped with something”。比如:this steamed rice is topped with fried tomato and egg这份饭的浇头是番茄炒鸡蛋。我刚才描述的那份意面topped with salami slices,上面盖着香肠薄片。
除了食材,我还描述了这道菜的口味:The salami is quite salty,salty是“咸的”,萨拉米香肠特别咸,but this strong taste is balanced by the creamsauce。Balance是“平衡”的意思。萨拉米的咸味被奶油酱给中和了。
说完了西餐,我们来说说中餐。中餐比较讲究烹饪方式,蒸炒炸煮,不一而足。蒸steam,炒和炸都可以用fry,表示“煮”,用哪个英文词呢?随便煮一下,那就是boil,比如“煮鸡蛋”就是boiled egg;用小火炖,那是stew,s-t-e-w,stew,比如“炖牛肉”就是“beef stew”。
还有一种煮法:把肉放到油里面稍稍炸一下,再用小火炖,这种煮法中文叫“煨”,这个词也有对应的英文,braise,b-r-a-i-s-e,braise,比如我们从小吃到大的“红烧肉”就是“braised pork”。接下来,大家听我描述我吃过的一道红烧肉,看看和你吃过的是不是一样。
You know what, the braised pork there is just excellent! This dish tastes sweet and salty, typical Shanghai food. The pork is tender, but not greasy. A little surprise in that dish is quail egg, four or five of them, braised together with pork, and I like those eggs more than pork; so does my brother. So we have to fight for the quail eggs whenever we eat in that restaurant.
上海菜,浓油赤酱,tastes sweet and salty,又甜又咸。Braised pork就是typical Shanghai food典型的上海菜。我描述了这道菜的口感:The pork is tender, but not greasy.形容肉“嫩”,我们用tender这个词,t-e-n-d-e-r,tender;greasy意思是“油腻的”,g-r-e-a-s-y,greasy。这道红烧肉肉很嫩,但是不油腻。
这道菜还有个little surprise小小惊喜,那就是有几个quail egg,就是“鹌鹑蛋”,braised together with the pork,和肉一起烧。吃过红烧肉里面的蛋的朋友一定能理解我为什么I like those eggs more than the pork。
You know what, the braised pork there is just excellent! This dish tastes sweet and salty, typical Shanghai food. The pork is tender, but not greasy. A little surprise in that dish is quail egg, four or five of them, braised together with pork, and I like those eggs more than pork; so does my brother. So we have to fight for the quail eggs whenever we eat in that restaurant.