Patients and doctors 3 病人与医生

Patients and doctors 3 病人与医生

Carlyle was entirely ignorant of what the bottle in his pocket contained, of the nature of the illness from which his friend was suffering, and of what had previously been wrong with his wife, but a medicine that had worked so well in one form of illness would surely be of equal benefit in another, and comforted by the thought of the help he was bringing to his friend, he hastened to Henry Taylor's house. History does not relate whether his friend accepted his medical help, but in all probability he did. The great advantage of taking medicine is that it makes no demands on the taker beyond that of putting up for a moment with a disgusting taste, and that is what all patients demand of their doctors -- to be cured at no inconvenience to themselves.
卡莱尔不知道药瓶子里装的是什么药,不知道他的朋友得的是什么病,也不知道妻子以前得的是什么病,只知道一种药对一种病有好处,肯定对另一种病也会有好处。想到能对朋友有所帮助,他感到很欣慰,于是急急忙忙来到了亨利.泰勒的家里,他的朋友是否接受了他的药物治疗,历史没有记载,但很可能接受了。服药的最大优点是:除了暂时忍受一下令人作呕的味道外,对服药人别无其他要求。这也正是病人对医生的要求 -- 病要治好,但不要太麻烦。

New words and expressions 生词和短语

n. 令人讨厌的
n. 不便

