





The Omega Files L10

奥米茄文件 L10

The tall man looked unhappy. 'It is, or it was, one of the army's new fighters.(1) It got away from our laboratory, and we just couldn't catch it.'


'But it was alive... a—a living thing,’ said Hawker.


'You can make a lot of living things in a laboratory these days,' said the tall man. 'Genetic engineering is getting very clever.(2) This fighter can run all night, live under water, see in the dark. But it's new. We haven't got it right yet.'


'And it's programmed to kill anything, is it?' said Jude.(3)


'No, no,' the tall man said quickly. 'Not this one. This one just kills small animals with four legs—sheep, dogs, cats, things like that.'


'Well,' said Jude, 'that is nice to know.'


'And where are the other monsters?' asked Hawker. 'For killing men, women, and children—things like that.'


The tall man smiled. 'Can't answer that, I'm afraid. Talk to your people in Brussels. Well, we must get back. Lots to do, you know. Thanks for your help. Bye.'


The men in grey put their dead monster in one of the boats and went away up the loch into the dark and the rain.



'And what did Arla say about it all?' I asked.


'He was so angry!' Hawker said. 'He went crazy! He didn't know about the monsters, you see. Or the laboratory. The army didn't tell anyone in Brussels.'


'And Arla liked to know everyone's secrets,' said Jude.


'Did the army make any more monsters?' I asked.


'Not in Scotland,' said Hawker. 'The British army closed their laboratory after that. The Americans and the French made some monsters years later. They were smaller, like big cats, but with eight legs.'


'Where are they now?' I said. 'You don't hear anything about them.'


'Of course not,' said Jude. 'People don't want to hear about monsters.'


'They're in Antarctica.(4) Or in a place deep under the ground,' said Hawker. 'Nice and secret. Just waiting for the next war.'


'And so there isn't a Loch Ness monster, and never was one,’ I said.


'Nessie?' said Jude. She looked me in the eyes and did not smile. 'Of course there's a loch Ness monster. She's a blue-grey colour, has a small head, a very long neck, and is about fifteen metres long... Go and look at all the photos of her on the Internet.'(5)




1. fighter 战士;斗士

    fight 战斗;斗争

2. genetic engineering 基因/生物工程

    genetic 基因的

    gene 基因

3. be programmed to do sth. 被编程/制造出来做某事

    program 程序;编程


This software is programmed to improve people’s communication.


4. Antarctica 南极(洲)


There are a lot of penguins in Antarctica.


5. blue-grey colour 墨绿色

    greeny-black colour 墨绿色

  • 卜麋鹿

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    喵喵why 回复 @卜麋鹿: day63 是啥时候有的?

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  • 樱汐夏染


    赵汤圆2333 回复 @樱汐夏染: Good

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