


主播:Xavier de Kestelier,Hassell董事

嘉宾:Sanjeev Gupta教授,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)好奇号(Curiosity)火星探测任务

— Sanjeev Gupta教授,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)火星科学任务小组 


帮助人类实现这一目标的是诸如Sanjeev Gupta这样的科学家。Sanjeev是伦敦帝国学院地球科学系的教授,同时也是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)好奇号(Curiosity)火星探测任务的一员,目前该任务正在探索火星的盖尔(Gale)撞击坑。

Gupta教授自认是一名“懒散的地质学家”。他喜欢带着一壶咖啡“沉浸在自然地貌中”,并在他的A3画板上将看到的景象草绘出来。“这可能类似于像你一样的建筑师在项目场地勘查。”他对我们的科技和创新设计负责人Xavier de Kestelier这样说道。在本期播客中,他们讨论了科学和建筑之间的模糊界限。




The architectural scientist and the scientific architect

Host: Xavier de Kestelier, Hassell Principal

Guest: Professor Sanjeev Gupta, NASA Curiosity Rover Mission 

“I would hope that the human missions to Mars would take artists along - because whilst we can take pictures, there’s just something about that ability to sketch and paint that captures the imagination in a way a photograph doesn’t necessarily do.”

Professor Sanjeev Gupta, NASA Curiosity Rover Mission

With every excursion into space, mankind steps closer to living on – not just visiting – other planets.
Getting us there are people like Sanjeev Gupta, professor of Earth Science at Imperial College London and part of the Mars Curiosity rover mission currently exploring Gale Crater for NASA.
Professor Gupta is a self-confessed ‘lazy geologist’ who prefers to sit with a flask of coffee and ‘put himself in the landscape’ as he sketches it out on his A3 pad. “It's probably a little bit similar to you as an architect when you're visiting a site,” he tells our head of Design Technology and Innovation, designer Xavier de Kestelier, in this podcast examining the blurring of boundaries between science and architecture.
“I draw the landscape and I draw the rocks and it helps me focus and think about what I'm seeing. That way I can actually design the strategy of how I'm going to interrogate this landscape because I need to interrogate it to reconstruct what happened in the past,” Sanjeev explains.
Where Professor Gupta’s role with NASA generates the data and details needed to find habitable sites on Mars through design tools, architects like Xavier use data and interplanetary interrogation to design habitats that will help humans successfully live there.
“Data in design gives me a good grip on the world, not just architecture as an artistic expression." Xavier explains. "Of course, architecture is always an artistic expression, but if it's embedded within science and engineering, it’s so much better.

