231 Bad diets kill more people around the world than smoking

231 Bad diets kill more people around the world than smoking

Hi, welcome to English Journal 365.

This is Hu Yuxi.

I will read the 231st English journal for you.

It’s about health.

Bad diets kill more people around the world than smoking, study says

dy published Wednesday in the Lancet, researchers looked at people’s eating habits across 195 countries to estimate how much poor diets contribute to mortality. Their findings? That 11 million people die each year around the world due, at least in part, to certain foods or lack thereof, according to the study.
周三发表在《柳叶刀》杂志上的一项研究显示,研究人员通过观察 195 个国家的人们的饮食习惯来估计不良饮食对死亡率有多大影响。他们的发现是什么呢?那就是,每年导致全球 1100 万人死亡的原因,至少有一部分在于某些食物,或缺少某些食物。
Lead author Ashkan Afshin, an epidemiologist at the University of Washington, said the researchers estimated that overall, poor diets are responsible for more deaths around the world than any other risk factor, including cigarette smoking, known to be one of the greatest threats to public health.
这项研究的第一作者是来自华盛顿大学的流行病学家 Ashkan Afshin,他表示,研究人员估计,总体来说,不良饮食在全球范围内的致死率比其他任何致病因素都高,这些因素包括了吸烟,而吸烟被认为是公众健康的最大威胁之一。
The problem, he said, is not only what people are eating; but it's also what they're not eating. The study estimated that globally, 3 million deaths were attributed to too much sodium — but another 3 million deaths were attributed to too little whole grains and another 2 million deaths to too little fruit.
他表示,问题不仅仅在于人们吃什么;还在于他们不吃什么。该研究估计,全球范围内有 300 万人因钠摄入过量而死亡,另有 300 万人则因全谷物摄入过少而死亡,还有 200 万人因水果摄入过少而死亡。
Experts say it confirms what health professionals have been teaching for years — a balanced diet is important for a long, healthy life.
But is a poor diet really responsible for more deaths than even cigarette smoking? Nestle, a professor at New York University, suggested that it makes sense that dietary risks are higher because everyone eats — but not everyone smokes. So, she said that “diet is a risk factor for everybody."
但是不良饮食的致死率真的比吸烟还高吗? 纽约大学的 Nestle 教授认为,不良饮食的风险更高是说得通的,因为每个人都吃饭,但不是每个人都抽烟。所以,她说“(不良)饮食对每个人来说都是一个风险因素。”

Well, this is the end of my English speech today.

How about your diets?

Thanks for your listening.

Goodbye and good luck.
