2019年 江西中考听力5维提问

2019年 江西中考听力5维提问



1. Good morning.

2. Here is an announcement for you.

1)What is it for you ?

        It is an announcement.

3. Do you like riding your bike on summer nights?

4. Come and join the Newtown School bike riding club.

1) Which club can you join if you like riding a bike ?

      We can join the Newtown School bike riding club.

5. We are going to have our first ride of the year at 7 pm on Friday June 28th.

1)When are you going to have you first ride of the year? 

          We'll have it at 7 pm on Friday June 28th .

2)How many times do you have the ride this year?

      Just once, it is our first ride of the year.

6. We will start outside Green Park.

1)Where will you start?

       We will start outside Green Park.

7. You don’t need to have any bike riding experience, butyou must be over 14 years old.

1)Do you need to have any bike riding experience?

          No, you don’t.

2)How old must bike riders be?

They must be over 14 years old.

8. Bring your own bike and your ID card.

1)What do you need to bring?

        My own bike and my ID card.

9. For more information, please e-mail happyriding@imail.com or call 685-4779.

1) How can you get more information?

 E-mail happyriding@imail.com or call 685-4779.

10. Got it? happyriding@imail.com, 685-4779.

1) What is the email and phone number?

      The email is happyriding@imail.com and the phone number is 685-4779.

11. Thanks for listening.

