(27)let your guard down-想让她放下防备?学学这个

(27)let your guard down-想让她放下防备?学学这个




* Hi, John, how are you doing?  Well, still alive I guess. What happened? Well, please don't ask. I feel like I have no reason to exist any more.I don't want to talk to anyone and I don't trust anyone. I just want to stay alone without being bothered by anyone. You understand? 

* 还是因为失恋那点事情吗?
* no matter what happened, I gotta help him out of there. 

* Hey, John, You need to let your guard down. 

* What the hell does that mean? 不不,我现在没有心思学英语。
* 别,别,现在只要学这一句就可以了。
* 好吧,好吧
* 就刚才那句吧。You need to let your guard down. 
* To let your guard down means to relax and stop trying to protect yourself against competition or trouble. 你看你现在对别人把自己的心门关上。
* 你需要let your guard down.
* 发音注意点:
1. let your的连读
2. down。中国人喜欢把它发成当。“当”,就是当当当当,大话西游,当当当 其实正确的发音是   down的发音
3. 然后,let your guard down.

* 因此,you need to let your guard down, my friend. 正所谓  Let your guard down 

* 最后送给你一首歌吧。I wish you could let your guard down as soon as possible. ok, I will try to let my guard down as soon as possible. thanks! 


  • 听友52572235


  • 小兔小羊白2

  • 风舞幽声


    美语老炮翟叔 回复 @风舞幽声: 是啊,经典就是经典

  • JackVoc

    居然勾起了大话西游的记忆,这一段炒鸡搞笑,the voice really makes my day.

    美语老炮翟叔 回复 @JackVoc: 哈哈

  • Jangles_77

    It is time to let my guard down.

    美语老炮翟叔 回复 @Jangles_77: If you say so, I guess It is time to let your guard down. Keep your head up.