阿宝2 文本已添加

阿宝2 文本已添加



 Possessed of peerless beauty, the ring of heradmirers gradually increased, till at last she rose up to go. The excitementamong the young men was intense; they criticised her face and discussed herfeet,4 Sun only remaining silent; and when they had passed on to somethingelse, there they saw Sun rooted like an imbecile to the same spot. As he madeno answer when spoken to, they dragged him along with them, saying, “Has yourspirit run away after A-pao?” He made no reply to this either; but they thoughtnothing of that, knowing his usual strangeness of manner, so by dint of pushingand pulling they managed to get him home. 仔细看真是美丽无比,十分动人。一会儿,围观的人越来越多,阿宝急忙起身走了。众人神魂颠倒,评头论足,简直要发狂了,唯有孙子楚默默无语。大家都走开了,可回头一看,孙子楚仍然呆呆地站在那儿,喊他也不答应。大家来拉他说:“魂随阿宝去了吗?”孙子楚还是不说话。大家因为他平时就呆板少语,也不奇怪。有人推着他,有人拉着他,回家去了。There he threw himself on the bed and didnot get up again for the rest of the day, lying in a state of unconsciousnessjust as if he were drunk. He did not wake when called; and his people; thinkingthat his spirit had fled, went about in the fields calling out to it to return.However, he showed no signs of improvement; and when they shook him, and askedhim what was the matter, he only answered in a sleepy kind of voice, “I am atA-pao’s house;” but to further questions he would not make any reply, and lefthis family in a state of keen suspense. 孙子楚到家后,一头倒在床上。整天昏睡不起,像醉了一样,喊也喊不醒。家里人以为他丢了魂,到野外给他叫魂也不见效。用劲拍打着问他,他才含糊朦胧地说:“我在阿宝家。”再细问他时,又默默无语了。家里人心里害怕,也不知是怎么回事。Now when Silly Sun had seen the young ladyget up to go, he could not bear to part with her, and found himself firstfollowing and then walking along by her side without anyone saying anything tohim. Thus he went back with her to her home, and there he remained for threedays, longing to run home and get something to eat, but unfortunately notknowing the way.  当初,孙子楚见阿宝走了,心里非常难舍,觉得自己的身子也跟她走了,渐渐地靠在了她的衣带上,也没有人呵斥她。于是跟阿宝回了家。坐着躺着都和阿宝在一起,到了夜里便与阿宝交欢,很是亲热欢治。可就是觉得肚子里特别饿,想回家一趟,却不认得回家的路。阿宝每每梦到与人交合,问他的名字,都是说:“我是孙子楚。”阿宝心里很奇怪,可也不便告诉别人。By that time Sun had [p. 118] hardly abreath left in him; and his friends, fearing that he was going to die, sent tobeg of the rich trader that he would allow a search to be made for Sun’s spiritin his house. The trader laughed and said,  孙子楚躺了三天,眼看就要断气了,家里人又急又怕,就托人到商人家里恳求给孙子楚招魂。商人笑着说:“He wasn’t in the habit of coming here, sohe could hardly have left his spirit behind him;” but he yielded to theentreaties of Sun’s family, and permitted the search to be made. Thereupon amagician proceeded to the house, taking with him an old suit of Sun’s clothesand some grass matting; and when Miss A-pao heard the reason for which he hadcome, she simplified matters very much by leading the magician straight to herown room. The magician summoned the spirit in due form, and went back towardsSun’s house. “平时素无往来,怎么会把魂丢在我家呢?”孙家哀求不已,商人才答应了。巫婆拿着孙子楚的旧衣服、草席子来到商人家。阿宝知道了来意后,害怕极了,她不让巫婆到别处去,直接把巫婆带到自已房中,任凭巫婆招呼一番后离去了。 By the time he had reached the door, Sungroaned and recovered consciousness; and he was then able to describe all thearticles of toilette and furniture in A-pao’s room without making a singlemistake. A-pao was amazed when the story was repeated to her, and could nothelp feeling kindly towards him on account of the depth of his passion. 巫婆刚回到孙家门口,屋内床上的孙子楚已经呻吟起来。醒后,他还能清清楚楚地说出阿宝室内摆设用具的名字和颜色,一点不错。阿宝听说后,更加害怕了,但心里也感到了孙子楚的情义之深。Sun himself, when he got well enough toleave his bed, would often sit in a state of abstraction as if he had lost hiswits; and he was for ever scheming to try and have another glimpse at A-pao.  孙子楚能起床后,不论坐着,还是站着,总是若有所思,精神恍惚,好像丢了什么。常打听阿宝的消息,盼望能再见到阿宝。

