主播:Vip | 翩翩
1.一个外国人,汉语可以好到什么程度?How good is your Chinese?
I don’t think it’s actually that good. 我觉得其实没那么好——谦虚的回答方式
你太谦虚了:You’re being humble
但,也会在意自己的外国口音: self conscious of my accent
* be self conscious of… 介意…
* accent: 口音
2. Do other foreigners admire you ? 会汉语会不会被其他老外羡慕?
* Some are impressed: 很多人会非常惊叹
* ask how I learnt so well: 问是怎么把汉语学这么好的
* that is expected:听到他在青岛待了这么多年,就觉得that is expected,没啥好震惊的了。
* trick :小把戏
* on and off 断断续续的
刚来中国时, I did admire foreigners that could make small talk with the taxi drivers 会超级羡慕能跟出租车司机,用汉语small talk的外国人。
* Small talk 搭讪、闲聊几句
* admire 羡慕
* It really motivated me to learn as well 我也下决心要学好汉语
3. 外国人眼中的汉语
来(中国)之前的三个月: 3 months before coming . 在澳洲学了点汉语
落地到广州后:landed in Guangzhou
发现,汉语装备严重不足:how poorly prepared I was
Chinese is not a language to be learnt as a hobby or for fun.汉语不是可以拿来当兴趣、学着玩儿的语言
You have to commit to learning it. 你真得正儿八经的去学!
* Commit:付出精力、长期做。
4. 汉语学霸的突击方法
* surround yourself with mainland friends 让你周围都是中国大陆的朋友
* limit your foreign friends 尽量少交外国朋友
* make the most of the opportunity 好好抓住机会
* a Chinese girlfriend who likes to argue a lot 有个爱争吵的女朋友
* learn Chinese pretty fast 得赶紧学汉语
* to keep up (跟女朋友吵架)才能不落后
5. Using instead of memorizing 单词句子,不要背,要用!
No! 大部分外国人学汉语,都不太会 memorize(背) words or sentences.
很多外国人学语言的方式是:使用 using!
* I learn the characters through texting with WeChat
* come across a character I have never met
* try to use it 努力用它
* text other friends 发微信给别人
* day to day conversation 每天的对话中
以前上过节目的职业模特Peter,北欧人,他来中国四个月,就可以对话、用汉语发朋友圈了。他的秘诀也是“用”: use the language as much as possible.
4. 汉语讲的好,是一种怎样的人生体验?
* the best reactions 最好玩的反应
* when I am in Australia and I order at hotpot restaurants.我在澳洲的火锅店点餐
女服务员立刻害羞得红了脸, they find out I speak Chinese….
并且,life 发生了变化 It makes a really big difference in my life
* Mandarin 普通话
* communicate with different cultural backgrounds than you. 用语言去与不同的文化背景交流,
* opens your perspective 打开你的视角
* I’m in Australia now but I still drink hot water 人在澳洲,依然每天喝热水
* I remember an old lady telling me it was good for my health. 他记得一个中国老太太告诉他:热水有益健康
* I really did notice a difference 我的确看到了变化
* especially when I had a sore throat or a cold.尤其是嗓子疼、感冒的时候
他长期素食:a vegan for five years.
他长期健身: a trainer for quite a long time
他长期戒糖: Sugar is terrible
他长期谈着同一个女朋友 has been with the same girl for a long time
他长期在一席工作着: only got late one time because of the traffic.
他长期热爱着汉语、学习着汉语: try to practice everyday.
世上无难事,只要肯登攀(Nothing is difficult to the man who will try),汉语是这样,英语更是如此,高手,从来都是“长期主义者”。
Maybe we need to change the way we learn English. Learn how to use it in real situations rather than learn it from text books.