第八课Visiting the doctor看病(556-570句)
556.I went to see my doctor for a check-up yesterday.昨天我去请医生作了一次检查。¬
557.The doctor discovered that I'm a little overweight.医生发现我太胖了一点。¬
558.He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.他给我作了X光胸透并量了血压。¬
559.He told me to take these pills every four hours他告诉我每隔四小时服用一次这种药丸.¬
560.Do you think the patient can be cured?你认为这个病人能治好吗?¬
561.They operated on him last night.昨晚给他做了一次手术。¬
562.He needed a blood transfusion.他需要输血。¬
563.My uncle had a heart attack last year.我叔叔去年害了一场心脏病。¬
564.They had to call in a heart specialist.他们不得不请来一位心脏病专家。¬
565.What did the doctor say?医生说什么?¬
566.The doctor advised me to get plenty of exercise.医生建议我多锻炼。¬
567.The doctor said I look pale.医生说我脸色苍白。¬
568.If I want to be healthy. I have to stop smoking cigarettes.如果要想身体健康,我心须戒烟。¬
569.The physician said smoking is harmful to my health.内科大夫说,吸烟对我的健康有害.¬
570.It's just a mosquito bite. There's nothing to worry about.这是蚊虫咬伤的。没有什么可担心的。¬