


第六课Going out for the evening参加晚会(526-540句)

526.How long did the movie last?我部电影多长?¬

527.The feature started at 9 o'clock and ended at 11:30.正片九点开始放映到十一点半结束。¬

528.They say the new film is an adventure story.据说,这部新片子是一部惊险故事片。¬

529.A group of us went out to the theater last night.昨天晚上我们一群人去看戏了。¬

530.The new play was good and everybody enjoyed it.这个新编的剧目很好,大家都很欣赏。¬

531.By the time we got there, the play had already begun.我们到达那儿时,戏已经开始了.¬

532.The usher showed us to our seats.招待员把我们领到座位上。¬

533.The cast of the play included a famous actor.我个戏的演员名单中有一位名演员。¬

534.After the play was over, we all wanted to get something to eat.戏演完后,我们都想找点吃的。¬

535.There was a big crowd and we had difficulty getting a taxi.人很多,我们好不容易找到一辆出租汽车。¬

536.The restaurant was filled, so we decided to go elsewhere.饭馆客满,所以我们决定到别的地方去。¬

537.My brother wants to learn how to dance.我的兄弟想学跳舞。¬

538.We don't go dancing very often.我们不常去跳舞。¬

539.Which would you rather do - go dancing or go to a play?你喜欢做什么,去跳舞还是去看戏?¬

540. I'm not accustomed to going out after dark.天黑以后我不习惯出门。¬

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