


第二课Making decisions作决定(466-480句)

466.I'm anxious to know what your decision is.我急于想知道你的决定。¬

467.I'm confident you've made the right choice.我相信你已经作了正点确的选择。¬

468.I want to persuade you to change your mind.我想说服你改变主意。¬

469.Will you accept my advice?你愿意接受我的劝告吗?¬

470.What have you decided?你是怎么决定的?¬

471.I've definitely decided to go to California.我已肯定要去加利福尼亚州。¬

472.He didn't want to say anything to influence my decision.他不想说什么来影响我的决定。¬

473.She refuses to make up her mind她拒绝做出决定。¬

474.I assume you've decided against buying a new car.我想你已经决定不买新汽车了。¬

475.It took him a long time to make up his mind.他用了很长时间才打定主意。¬

476.You can go whenever you wish.什么时候,随你便。¬

477.We're willing to accept your plan.我们乐意采纳你的计划。¬

478.He knows it's inconvenient, but he wants to go anyway.他知道这不太方便,但不管怎么样他还是要去。¬

479.According to Mr. Green, this is a complicated problem.据格林先生认为,这是一个复杂问题。¬

480.She insists that it doesn't make any difference to her.她坚持说,这对她无所谓。¬

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