


第五课Talking about neighbors and friends谈论邻居和朋友(361-375句)

361.Where did you grow up?你在哪里长大的?¬

362.I grew up right here in this neighborhood我就在这一带长大的。¬

363.My friend spent his childhood in California我朋友在加州度过了童年。¬

364.He lived in California until he was seventeen.岁前他一直生活在加州。¬

365.There have been a lot of changes here in the last 20 years过去的20年这里的变化很大。¬

366.There used to be a grocery store on the corner.以前在这个角落有一家杂货店。¬

367.All of those houses have been built in the last ten years这些房子都是过去10年建的。¬

368.They're building a new house up the street from me他们正我家上手盖房子。¬

369.If you buy that home,will you spend the rest of your life there?如果你买了这栋房子,是不是打算就在这房子里住到老?¬

370.Are your neighbors vey friendly?你的邻居很友好吗?¬

371.We all know each other pretty well我们之间相当了解。¬

372.A young married couple moved in next door to us.一对新婚夫妇搬到我家隔壁。¬

373.Who bought that new house down the street from you?谁买了你家下手的新房?¬

374.An old man rented the big white house.一位老人出租这栋大的白房子。¬

375.What beautiful trees those are!这些树多美呀!¬

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