【英文版11】Chris Voss:Leverage Language and Linguistic Cues

【英文版11】Chris Voss:Leverage Language and Linguistic Cues





Among their many skills, master negotiators are masters of language and verbal cues—both as observers and in action themselves. For Chris Voss, three key cues/tools to pay special attention to are tone of voice, “mirroring”, and the use of the word “fair”.

谈判专家一定是语言大师,他们擅长捕捉对手话语中的含义,并能够通过自己说的话给对手释放自己想要对方接受的信号。对于克里斯·沃斯来说,有三个关键线索,需要我们在谈判时额外去关注。它们分别是语调、“模仿” 及对“公平”这个词的使用。



Tone of Voice


How you use your voice is really important and it’s really driven by context more than anything else. And your tone of voice will immediately begin to impact somebody’s mood and immediately how their brain functions. There’s actually scientific data out there now that shows us that our brains will work up to 31 percent more effectively if we’re in a good mood. So if I smile at you and you see it – or you can hear a smile in someone’s voice – if I automatically smile at you and you can hear that I like you, I will actually be able to reach into your brain, flip the positive the switch. It puts you in a better mood there are mirror neurons in our brain that we have no control over. They automatically respond. And if I intentionally put you in a good mood your brain will be working more effectively. And that already begins to increase the chances that you’re going to collaborate with me. You’ll be smarter and you’ll like me more at the same time.



Now upward and downward inflection. Downward inflection is often used to say, “This is the way it is. There’s no other way.” And I will say it exactly like that. If there is a term in a contract that there’s no movement on and I want you to know it and feel it without me having to say, “There’s no movement on this,” which maybe you want to yell at somebody and that’s ineffective because that triggers a different part of the brain and makes people angry and they want to fight. And I’ve done this in contract negotiations. I’ve said things like, “We don’t do work for hire.” Just like that. It lets the other side know there’s no movement whatsoever.


I also may need to put you in a more collaborative frame of mind. And if I want to ask you a question I’ll say something like, “It seems like this is important to you?” It’s more driven by context. And I can use an upward inflection to encourage you and smile while I’m questioning you. And that will make you feel less attacked by being questioned because people are made to feel a little bit defensive when they’re being questioned anyway. So if I know if I have to question  you, if I want you to think about a different option, then I’m going to be as encouraging as possible while I may be very assertive at the same time.

有时候,在谈判过程中,我需要让你打心眼里更加愿意和我合作。那么当我问你问题的时候,我通常会这么问: "对你来说,这件事好像挺重要的,对吗?"至于这件事具体是什么,是需要看具体的情况来定。但是就算我在质疑你,我也会用升调来鼓励你,或者给你一个微笑。这样你就会觉得我没有那么强的攻击性了,毕竟人在被质问的时候,多少都会有一点防备。所以,当我需要质疑你的时候,或者我希望你能考虑另一种选择,那么我就会尽可能地鼓励你,给你释放积极的信号,但同时我的立场也会很坚定



The mirroring that I teach is not the same as the way most people think of mirroring. Most people, when they think of mirroring, they think mirroring body language, mirroring tone of voice, even using the same words. It’s not that at all. The mirroring that I teach is much more simplistic and interestingly enough has a great impact on how the other person interacts with you. And it’s just repeating the last one to three words that they’ve said, word for word. One to three words. And what it really does is it helps connect people’s thoughts. There will almost never be a time when you mirrored the last three words of what someone said when they want to go on and explain and reword and expand.



And that mirror what it has just done as it helps give you a better understanding of what the other person is trying to say. It also gives you more time to think. It’s a way to buy time in a negotiation for yourself. The other person doesn’t see you buying time in any way shape or form. It’s a great way, when you don’t know what to say or where to go, to keep them talking in a way that they’re very comfortable with. One of my clients actually mirrors his counterpart’s positions every single time. They’ll repeat it and they’ll expand it and every time he does that it also gives him a good feel for whether or not they’re really stable in that position or whether there’s quite a bit of softness in a position – completely based on how they reword and responded to his mirror. So a mirror is a great way to keep somebody else talking very comfortably.


The “F” Bomb


The F-word in negotiations is “fair.” “Fair” is the F-bomb. And when you begin to look for it it’s stunning in how many negotiations somebody drops the F-bomb in the negotiation. And when somebody says, “We just want what’s fair,” that’s actually a really bad sign. One of two things is going on: now the cutthroat negotiators know how much I can punch your buttons if I say “I’ve given you a fair offer.” And that will immediately put you on the defensive and make you worry about whether or not you’re being fair. And most people have an instinctive feeling about fair price, fair market. “Fair” is like this incredibly overused term in negotiations; “I just want what’s fair, what’s the fair market price.”

谈判中的禁忌是说 "公平"这个词。说出"公平 "这两个字就像是在谈判桌上扔了一枚炸弹。如果你留意一下,你会惊讶地发现,在很多谈判中都有人投下了这颗炸弹。当有人在谈判中说,"我们只想要公平 "时这就表示情况已经非常糟糕了。这说明, 现在那些心狠手辣的谈判员知道了如果他们说 "我已经给了你们一个公平的报价"时,你会有多愤怒。你会立刻进入防御状态,因为你不知道自己是不是真的受到了公平对待。大多数人对什么是公平的价格、或者什么是公平的市场是有本能的直觉的。"公平 "在谈判中已经被过度使用到了令人发指的地步了;你会无数次在谈判中听到这句话:"我只想要公平,给我一个公平的市场价格。"

So if I say I’ve given you a fair offer and I’m accusing you of being unfair I immediately knocked you back on your heels. It’s a way for me to gain an advantage on you, if I’m that kind of a negotiator. The flip side of that is maybe I’ve been assertive enough in the negotiations and I haven’t been using enough tactical empathy that the other person feels like I’m taking, taking, taking from them. And they’ll respond with, “I just want what’s fair.” That may be someone genuinely telling me, very indirectly, that they feel I’ve been far too aggressive. And if they feel I’ve been aggressive and if they feel treated unfairly, one of two things is going to happen: they’re either going to walk away from a great deal or they’re going to make implementation painful. And when implementation of a negotiation is painful, when they drag their feet, when they don’t make deadlines, when they don’t deliver the product quality they’re supposed to deliver, when they’re not as thorough and paying as much attention to detail because they didn’t feel it was a fair deal, they’ll destroy your profit. So you have to really keep an eye out for the F-bomb in negotiations. And when somebody else feels they’ve been treated unfairly they’re probably going to hurt you over it.

所以,如果我是那种用“公平”这个词来迷惑你的谈判员,我会说我已经给了你一个公平的报价,然后指责你没有给我相应公平的回报,那你应该会立刻大惊失色。而我就在这场谈判中占了上风。反过来,如果我在谈判中很强硬,没有表现出足够多的同理心,那样对方就会觉得我在一味地索取,那他们的回应就会是:"我要公平"。 这可能是对方以一种非常委婉的方式真诚地告诉我,他们觉得我太咄咄逼人了。如果他们觉得我很强硬,或者感觉自己受到了不公平的对待,那他们就会终止这个交易,或者会在执行协议时使各种绊子。比如,他们会拖拖拉拉不按期交货,或者不会保证产品的质量,再比如他们做事就不会那么周密、也不注意细节了,这种种一切都是因为他们觉得这不是一个公平的交易。那么当这些情况发生的时候,你的利润就得不到保证了。所以在谈判中,你要十分留意“公平”这颗炸弹。当别人觉得自己受到了不公平的待遇时,他们很可能会因此而伤害你。




Tone of Voice


• “Smiling”: Flip the “positive switch” in your counterpart’s brain with a warm and welcoming tone. A happy brain works 30% better and is more receptive to collaboration.

• Inflection: Inflect downward to signal that your term is non-negotiable. Inflect upward to signal encouragement and put your counterpart at ease.

• 学会“微笑”是一个不错的方法:你可以用一种温暖、热情的声音去和对方谈判。因为大脑愉悦时的工作效率比平常高30%,而且更容易接受合作。

• 同时,你还要注意音调变化:音调下沉表明你的条件是没有讨价还价的余地的。音调上扬通常表示鼓励,会让对手感到放松。



• Repeat the last 1 - 3 words of your counterpart’s statements. Use this technique to buy time, especially when you are unsure of your next move.

• Treat your counterpart’s responses as clues about the firmness of her position.


• 重复对方说过的最后1-3个词。用这一招儿为自己争取时间,尤其在你不确定自己下一步要做什么的时候。

• 你也可以根据对手的反应判断ta的立场是否坚定。

The “F” Bomb


• The word “fair” can be a bad sign. Pay attention to how it’s used, and use it wisely.

• Accuse your counterpart of being “unfair” when you want to take an aggressive advantage. When your counterpart accusesyou of being unfair, it may signal that you’re beingtoo aggressive.

• Beware. If you overstep, your counterpart will likely: 1. End the negotiation, or 2. Make implementation painful.

• 出现“公平”一词可能是不好的迹象。

• 当你想要用强硬的态度取得优势时,你可以指责对手的做法“不公平”。而当你的对手指责你不公平时,这可能表示你太过于咄咄逼人了。

• 不过你要当心。如果你超出了对手的容忍限度的话,你的对手很可能不会和你合作,或者在合作过程中捣乱让你付出代价。

以上就是这节课的主要内容。本节目英文版音频和视频均由美国Big Think Edge 独家授权,中文版由喜马拉雅制作播出。感谢收听,我们下集节目再见!

  • 南冥骨鱼

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  • Amy莉华

    【 Scalers 跟FBI学谈判沟通听说训练营】 Day 2 完成人:Amy爱米行动   1、复述方法:了解了复述的3个步骤及对应的要点,并进行了初步尝试:初步抓取信息、分析文章积累地道表达、尽可能将所听到的内容全力呈现。 2、词汇:学习了如何更好地使用不同的字典去准确了解单词在特定语境下的具体含义。 3、学习态度:语言的学习需要持续一点一滴的积累,不要偶尔爆发一次突击数个小时的昙花一现。

  • 踩僵尸的小蘑菇

    【Scalers跟FBI学谈判沟通听说训练营】Day2完成人:*紫薇 1、听三遍。第一遍努力抓去信息,连词成句;第二遍,查词、查表达,关注大块的表达和信息;第三遍,尽可能用上这些表达再来复述。 2、心态是听不懂也要努力听,听懂多少算多少,能说多少就多少。不要背诵,而是转述。刚开始时逻辑、细节啥的都是没有的,但是只要重复这个过程,最终你能很好的复述你听到的内容。重要的是你努力、挣扎的过程,它会帮助你更专注于信息,对熟悉的却不会的那些表达敏感起来。 3、抛弃完美主义。总是不可能一次就过,只要每一遍都有一点点进步就好,大不了重复个几十遍。总会有熟练和记住的时候。

  • 听友43873075

    【 Scalers 跟FBI学谈判沟通听说训练营 】 Day2 完成人:Cynthia 1、参加课程或看类似英语栏目的目标要特别清晰:学地道英语,积累语言知识点:许刻意练习。 2、复述三步:2.1第一次复述,能说多少说多少,之后重点学习单词、词组等;2.2第二次要从语法、惯用法、句子上下功夫;2.3再做复述。按照这个步骤反复练习。 3、持续练习:每天抽出30分钟,哪怕只练1句的效果也好于平日不学,突击学习。

  • daisy境界的彼方

    【 Scalers 跟FBI学谈判沟通听说训练营 】 Day 2 完成人: daisy境界的彼方 1 、镜像神经元的发现。 边看视频,边听W老师讲解,原来mirror在这里就是imitate模仿的意思。在一般词典里确实很难找到这么合适的解释。这里的因镜像神经元出现的活动就像是自己看着某人干啥事,好像自己在心里做过一遍的样子,其实自己没有真的做。只是没想到这个东西还可以用在谈判上,感觉挺神奇的。 2 、在看一句话时可以多尝试断句和切块来看,这样会顺畅很多。多多注意小词。 3 、听第一遍材料尽量做小总结。

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