Romeo and Juliet 3: The Language

Romeo and Juliet 3: The Language


Romeo and Juliet -- Part 3 -- “What’s in a name?” (The Language)


In our first two episodes onRomeo and Juliet, we said this play is intensely aware that love and loss -- desire and death -- are inextricably connected. In this episode, Simon Palfrey, Professor of English at the University of Oxford, discusses three speeches from the play that share this tragic awareness, but which also display the passionate energies of the two characters Professor Palfrey calls the most “intelligent” in the play: Juliet and Mercutio.


This speech takes place in Act One, as Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio are on their way to sneak into the Capulets’ party. Romeo is afraid that this evening will lead to some dark future consequence, for, as he says, “I dreamt a dream tonight.” His mention of a dream prompts this fantastical speech from Mercutio. His friends dismiss it afterwards - Romeo saying “Thou talk’st of nothing,” while Benvolio says, “This wind ... blows us from ourselves.” But for audiences, this speech can prove one of the most memorable, cryptic, and even frightening moments of the play.


MERCUTIO O, then I see Queen Mab hath been with you.


She is the fairies’ midwife, and she comes


In shape no bigger than an agate stone


On the forefinger of an alderman,


Drawn with a team of little atomi


Over men’s noses as they lie asleep.


Her wagon spokes made of long spinners’ legs,


The cover of the wings of grasshoppers,


Her traces of the smallest spider web,


Her collars of the moonshine’s wat’ry beams,


Her whip of cricket’s bone, the lash of film,


Her wagoner a small gray-coated gnat,


Not half so big as a round little worm


Pricked from the lazy finger of a maid.


Her chariot is an empty hazelnut,


Made by the joiner squirrel or old grub,


Time out o’ mind the fairies’ coachmakers.


And in this state she gallops night by night


Through lovers’ brains, and then they dream of love;


On courtiers’ knees, that dream on cur’sies straight;


O’er lawyers’ fingers, who straight dream on fees;


O’er ladies’ lips, who straight on kisses dream,


Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues


Because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are.


Sometime she gallops o’er a courtier’s nose,


And then dreams he of smelling out a suit.


And sometime comes she with a tithe-pig’s tail,


Tickling a parson’s nose as he lies asleep;


Then he dreams of another benefice.


Sometime she driveth o’er a soldier’s neck,


And then dreams he of cutting foreign throats,


Of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish blades,


Of healths five fathom deep, and then anon


Drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes


And, being thus frighted, swears a prayer or two


And sleeps again. This is that very Mab


That plats the manes of horses in the night


And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs,


Which once untangled much misfortune bodes.


This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs,


That presses them and learns them first to bear,


Making them women of good carriage.


This is she—


ROMEO Peace, peace, Mercutio, peace.


Thou talk’st of nothing.


The reason I've chosen this speech is because it's a very famous, celebrated speech, which seems to add almost nothing to the play, I mean, apart from being sort of a tour de force of the imagination. And it's a speech that is, equally, almost never cut from performances. I think often it's performed just because it's vivid and a great showpiece, but I think that Mercutio is a far more pregnant figure than is usually understood, in a sense more pregnant with the play-world. I think this is so for two main reasons which we see in this play. First, he sort of establishes a very, sort of literally dangerous understanding of language and sex which the play has, its intimate feeling for heady minds and explosive privacy.


And second, I think that Mercutio sort of expresses these passions that it becomes Juliet's purpose to embody and to channel. So I think Mercutio can be understood to exist in a kind of rival play, a sort of virtual thing that grows out of his witticism. So I was saying earlier about how he's sacrificed halfway through the play, and part of this is because he's already articulating a rival play.


In the Queen Mab speech -- now it's a classic Shakespearean construction, if you like, with these conceits and fables tumbling in one out of another, and he offers a rival version of love and creation, a rival aesthetic to, say, Romeo's borrowed lyricism or Juliette's lucidity, a rival idea of how the world can be made and remade simply in the eyes of a lover.


So it's essentially a tale of genesis, tracing the spirit of desire and inception. And the vision is most obviously childlike in its anthropomorphic use of vegetable and insect life, its magnifying or, say, quickening of a natural world usually thought too small to describe or too static to command interest.


And I read all this sort of stuff, and it reminds me of those early Disney cartoons zooming into an ant nest or a cricket's body and finding an alternative world. But the speech, for all its childlike brilliance, is also one of escalating violence. So what begins as an image of diminutive tiny charm soon turns into an anatomized or brutalized body. Magnification becomes evisceration, promising nothing but a skeleton, the word there “atomy,” meaning a skeleton.


And after a while, he envisages nature as a sort of rapidly enveloping web, as the cell, like cells dividing and subdividing and conquering by various kinds of violence or evacuation or dismembering. So you notice the wagon spokes made of long spinners legs, cover from the wings of grasshoppers, a whip from the bones of crickets. And then its sort of wonder -- so this idea of taking the natural world and repurposing it with your own slightly dangerous or slightly troubling purposes-- it’s little wonder that it's torturous dream vision mutates into a sort of obscure paranoid nightmare.


So here, “Sometime she driveth o’er a soldier’s neck, / And then dreams he of cutting foreign throats, / Of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish blades, / Of healths five fathom deep, and then anon / Drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes / And, being thus frighted, swears a prayer or two / And sleeps again.” You think, where's this coming from? And the idea here is that I think that yeah, this is not a harmless fairy here. For example, she's seeding dreams of war and conquest, the violence of seafaring imperialism, death upon death from treachery, or execution, cutting the foreign throats, or ambush, the word “ambuscadoes,” meaning ambush, or drowning, being five fathoms deep, and something like the violence of Verona becomes kind of pan-geographic, pan-Mediterranean, like a microcosm of geopolitical terror.


You go to sleep here and your nightmare either remembers battles abroad or so almost engenders battles abroad. And so if Mercutio here is sort of constructing his own rival cosmos, it's one in which metaphoric language takes the place of bodies and action and even motive, but then his fantasy eventually turns into exactly what he would escape, misogyny, physical disgust. The invisible seas of life turned ugly and malevolent.


So he says, “This is that very Mab / That plats the manes of horses in the night / And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs, / Which once untangled much misfortune bodes. / This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs, / That presses them and learns them first to bear, / Making them women of good carriage.” And so we've got the fairytale with which speech began has mutated into the “good carriage” of unwanted pregnancy. And Mab has metamorphosed into a devilish succubus. So there's this effective clairvoyance in everything Mercutio says -- his visions and curses work telepathically and live beyond him in others. So for example, Romeo begs him, “Peace, peace,” and Benvolio complains that “these words blow us from ourselves.”


But yeah, they're sort of right in that Romeo is not being blown from his self, but strangelyintohimself. So this speech gathers a kind of magical energy in that the moment that Mercutio stopped speaking, Romeo confesses that his mind misgives, and the night revels which Mercutio is leading him are going to “expire the term / Of a despisèd life.”


And so Queen Mab becomes a kind of midwife of violence, turning desire into death. I think that all this stuff about the closeness of the imagination at work here, the platting the manes of horses in the night, the courtier’s knees, the lawyer’s fingers, the ladies’ lips, the blisters, plagues, all this sort of stuff -- the kind of magnification it gives us sort of, as though you've got this sort of microscope upon the tiniest movements of body -- I think it showcases the terrorism, perhaps the charisma of a truly Shakespearean imagination. And by that, I mean, a mind that, and a vision that cannot rest in what's merely apparent, that cannot help seeing what lies beneath, that cannot resist looking so closely at apparent beauty that it begins to look like horror and Mercutio’s X-ray vision is, in some ways, the play’s.


This dialogue comes from the famous balcony scene in Act Two, when Juliet steps outside and speaks to herself, not knowing that Romeo is listening in the garden below. Juliet’s words reveal the strength of her newfound passion for Romeo, as well as her startling ability to imagine a different relationship to the world in which she’s grown up -- although that new relationship might prove difficult to attain.


JULIET O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?


Deny thy father and refuse thy name,


Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,


And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.


ROMEO aside Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?


JULIET ’Tis but thy name that is my enemy.


Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.


What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,


Nor arm, nor face. O, be some other name


Belonging to a man.


What’s in a name? That which we call a rose


By any other word would smell as sweet.


So Romeo would, were he not Romeo called,


Retain that dear perfection which he owes


Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,


And, for thy name, which is no part of thee,


Take all myself.


ROMEO I take thee at thy word.


Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptized.


Henceforth I never will be Romeo.


This is kind of an amazing moment because it's a very simple moment in some ways, but it's the most famous moment in the play. And it has a fair claim to be the most famous moment, not only in Shakespeare, but in all plays, perhaps rivaled only by Hamlet's “to be or not to be” speech.


Now, firstly, I want to sort of situate the speech, in a sense, scenically. So this is the first moment that Juliet truly speaks to herself. So on the one hand, that might suggest we're getting a moment here where Juliet is expressing her inner thoughts. But even if it's spoken out loud, it's overheard -- but what if it's inward thought andstilloverheard, again, this question of the play, thinking about the ambivalence of freedom, the difficulty of freedom.


But of course, this moment is also basically one of simple excitement and anticipation: at last I’m alone, at last I can speak. Now it's no accident that this moment should herald the most famous line, “O Romeo Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo.” Okay. Cause it's the first full line spoken by Juliet to herself.


Now, the line’s often misheard or misinterpreted so as to mean, “Where is Romeo? Where are you?” Rather than why, or with what dire consequences, he is named Romeo. It's likely that Shakespeare recognized potential ambiguity. He could have written why are youcalledRomeo instead ofwherefore,and that he doesn't do this allows us, I think, legitimately to hear the question we feel sure she is thinking, even, as it were, inside a different question: Where art thou, Romeo? So her words express the wish we all share in and the presence we all believe in: He is here.


Now, the crucial thing here is how Juliet is speaking to different audiences: herself, audience, unknown audience. And this suggests how her speaking is always kind of agitated with imminence, with things about to happen. It's anticipatory in its very setup. She doesn't just speak what she already knows, Juliet, right, she doesn't just say finished thoughts. Often by the time the speech has ended, she's changed, or the speech elicits or engineers change. So what I'm saying there is that the way in which the speech is set up as doubly heard and doubly addressed, and she doesn't realize that, means that the speech has potentials, which she, as it were, has to catch up to. So the speech is moving right ahead of her and bringing her with it.


Another puzzle about this speech is that Juliet bemoans his Christian name rather than his surname. This might seem ridiculous. Cause it's Montague, of course, that’s the problem. And the answer here is that “Romeo” is so much more intimate to Juliet than “Montague” could ever be. The sound of his name is beautiful to her -- the more so in English with its adjacent sighs, “O,” separated only by the personal pronoun “me,” “O me o.” The relatively tinny and adult Montague couldn't do this at all. So as it is, “Romeo,” thrice spoken, gathers a charge of eroticized wordplay, as one sense, that is, her response, her sort of projection of the name, is subverted by another sense, her powerful feelings for the name.


Now, then, you get the actual, what she's doing with the words. So typically of Juliet’s speech -- they're very close to her, physically close, intimate to her emerging sensuality. So she traces his body in a kind of imaginative blazon: hand, foot, face -- I'm getting closer. She says, “My ears have yet not drunk a hundred words / Of thy tongue’s uttering, yet I know the sound.” So the sensory confusion here, is drinking, expresses a kind of synesthesia, as all her senses blend into a single excitement. And this is consistent with the basic purpose of Juliet in the play, or one of her basic purposes, to see through or exist before the divisions which separate experience from enjoyment. And her relish in the sound is felt all the more cause it returns her to the absent sight of his “dear perfection.” And you know, it returns it to the passion with which she repeats her Romeo's name, as she wants to feel the sounds rolling in her mouth.


Then we get the final thing about the speech, is of course, its famous thesis, as it were, about names -- “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Now this can be seen as the epitome of Juliet’s would-be relationship to the given systems, institutions of her world. It suggests impatience with inherited forms, impatience with false idols, her wish to start from the ground up, without mediations or prejudice, “’Tis but thy name that is my enemy. / Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. / What’s Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, / Nor arm, nor face. O, be some other name / Belonging to a man.” And obviously names are very important in this play, but dividing name and self is not so easy. Juliet runs through a series of options: Romeo repudiates his father's name, or she hers, or he being named differently, or simply removing his name as something that doesn't belong to him. Most characteristic of all, she wants to replace his name as a noun with a verb, “love.” But the signifier, a label by which a person’s known, can't just be discarded or replaced. Romeo's name precedes him, makes him a subject, locates him in the community. And the name isn't like a hand or a foot. Romeo could lose his hand or foot and retain his identity. Even her arguing about the rose is a bit suspect because of all the associations that come with the word.


And Romeo says at the end, he will take herat her word. And of course there's a simple meaning here, that he's heard her confess her desire, and like a kind of magical genie, he appears to answer her words. There's a beautiful comic moment of meeting -- and she said, “Take all of me,” and he can't resist the invitation, he'll give off his name gladly, and in exchange, she will give herself to him. And so in some basic way, the exchange is exhilarating and irresistible. It’s also obviously dangerous and unsustainable, because if Romeo is her words come true, then as ever, there's a darker implication. If we take the words literally, as I think we always must in Shakespeare then to take her at her word is also not only to love her, to possess her -- and it certainly is this -- but it's to take her from herself.


So Juliet cannot return from this exchange, not because she will lose her name, but because shecannotlose her name. And so we get these deep ironies, typical Shakespearean ironie, going through the scene, when as much as we can move with everything she says and endorse it absolutely as an emotional truth -- at the same time, it's untrue.


This speech comes from Act Three. Romeo and Juliet have just been married, and Juliet is waiting impatiently for the day to end so that she can enjoy her wedding night with Romeo. The imagery carries echoes of the childhood she is about to leave behind, while the speech as a whole conveys her passionate excitement at coming into adulthood and her newfound sexual identity.


JULIET Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds,


Towards Phoebus’ lodging. Such a wagoner


As Phaëton would whip you to the west


And bring in cloudy night immediately.


Spread thy close curtain, love-performing night,


That runaways’ eyes may wink, and Romeo


Leap to these arms, untalked of and unseen.


Lovers can see to do their amorous rites


By their own beauties, or, if love be blind,


It best agrees with night. Come, civil night,


Thou sober-suited matron all in black,


And learn me how to lose a winning match


Played for a pair of stainless maidenhoods.


Hood my unmanned blood, bating in my cheeks,


With thy black mantle till strange love grow bold,


Think true love acted simple modesty.


Come, night. Come, Romeo. Come, thou day in




For thou wilt lie upon the wings of night


Whiter than new snow upon a raven’s back.


Come, gentle night; come, loving black-browed




Give me my Romeo, and when I shall die,


Take him and cut him out in little stars,


And he will make the face of heaven so fine


That all the world will be in love with night


And pay no worship to the garish sun.


O, I have bought the mansion of a love


But not possessed it, and, though I am sold,


Not yet enjoyed. So tedious is this day


As is the night before some festival


To an impatient child that hath new robes


And may not wear them.


This is a speech she's making when she's awaiting the night to come and for her marriage to be consummated. Now, the speech is very, very, very often cut, either cut completely or radically shortened. And it still is today, because it gives offence -- it's not the sort of thing a young girl should think, let alone speak. It's not the sort of thing a romantic heroine to speak. The speech is kind of rip-roaringly hungry. The sexual puns rise thick and fast as though from, you know, it's like suddenly awakened flesh or something, but I think Juliet intends every word.


So, “Spread thy close curtain, love-performing night, / That runaways’ eyes may wink, and Romeo / Leap to these arms, untalked of and unseen. / Lovers can see to do their amorous rites” -- So she calls upon night to cover everything so that no one will see them have sex. Equally, the close curtain she longs to spread is her own. She's coming into adulthood piece by piece, looking pitilessly at what she's about to perform, at the maidenhood she said to lose, and she's saying, “Come.” She says the word six times. You know, I was saying before that Juliet being thirteen makes this moment both monstrous, in the sense of a sort of strange possession, and kind of awesome, precocious or sublime, as she's taken over by stuff that dwarfs her education.


But as much as she's been taken over here by sexual imagination, as much as every image turns into this delicious obscenity, as much as, you know, every last object in the world is suddenly sexualized -- for all of that, we can still hear Juliet speaking. So witness the mischievous ironies, she says, “runaways’ eyes may wink,” or her subverting of authority in the lines “Come, civil night, / Thou sober-suited matron all in black, / And learn me how to lose a winning match / Played for a pair of stainless maidenhoods.”


Now, she imagines here her old tutor is a “sober-suited matron,” as a widow in mourning, the sober backdrop to her own youthful intoxication -- “learning how to lose a winning match,” like she's remembering some pointless game of cards she was taught, suitable for a young lady, and now she wants completely different lessons, different lessons entirely.


But in her vision, even the old and the forgotten are sort of enfranchised in sexual delight. She says, “learn me” -- now that mainly means “teach me,” but it also implicitly suggests “Learnfromme,” as though she and her man, her boy, will enact a pattern for the universe.

在她的脑海中,即便是那些年迈的人,那些被遗忘的人也有权享受性事上的欢愉。那句“教会我”(learn me)主要指的是请你来教导我,但同时也意味着“向我学习”(learn from me),就好像她和她的爱人和她深爱的那个男孩,他们将为宇宙开辟一个全新的模式。

She says, “Give me my Romeo, and when I shall die, / Take him and cut him out in little stars, / And he will make the face of heaven so fine / That all the world will be in love with night.” Now this image is at once very simple and promiscuously suggestive. She's saying, Give me him, and she produces this theme ecstatically correspondent to the joy she anticipates. It's a world which is sort of exploding with endlessly reconfigured Romeos. I'm thinking it may be images like this, and the early one of the lightning, maybe, suggested the endless sort of many scenes of fireworks exploding in the night sky in Baz Luhrmann's film.


Anyway, it's characteristic that in the phrase “When I shall die,” the sexual meaning of “die” is primary rather than dependent or secondary. It means to have sex or, not necessarily the female orgasm, but of course, it can mean that. So she imagines lying back and seeing the sky aflame with little stars, each one of them a little fraction or glisten of Romeo. So he's at once gone from her, his essence sort of fissioning into multiplicity and still at her beck and call, like he is throughout the play at her beck and call, pleasing her as his beauty hangs above her.


“Take him and cut him out.” So Romeo here is at her direction, sort of putty in her hands, or, you know, it's like a child again, so like a sheet of paper which the girl can transform with her craft and her scissors into lots of little stars.


Now it's clear that there are sort of death-teasing, demonic, even vampiric shades to Juliet’s sexuality. Her alliance with loving, black-browed night, makes her confederacy with a dark side pretty clear, the puns on dying, she's seeing herself and her love in the sky -- all of these things portend the tragedy to come. but it's more presently this is about desire, and desire that's as far from morbid as anything could be.


So she's given her one of the Shakespeare's great imaginings of sex. And I think we, you know, just the spaciousness of the image, its deliberation as she directs it to happen and watches, as if she's half out of her own body, the unfolding repetitions, the shapes within shapes, that kind of magical sense of a world slowed down to one's own pulse and then extended beyond normal possibility, this intense wistfulness that wishes the moment longer, like she often does in the play, somehow knowing that it is longer than its actual occurrence -- and then, maybe even a sort of melancholy anticipation that the boy, having brought her to this little death, will leave.


And so finally here, there's something here which I think goes to the heart of the place. So there's something in Juliet’s soliloquy which knows -- and the knowledge isn't intellectual knowing, it's more foundational than that -- that sex involves congress with animalism, in the sense of the insistent hawking and hunting images, that it implies rational as well as physical abandon, that it’s jealous and hungry, that it’s sort of stupid in the sense of mindless in its multiple applications, and yet at the same time crafty, and that the eye’s always on the target and obstructions are there to be avoided.


I like the sense of Juliet thinking about, she remains this kind of very intelligent person in the moment. She's not simply transported out of the moment. She's aware that sex turns the normal world and everyday world into a facade, one that presents a false face of propriety and sociality, when in fact the true face is what she imagines here, panting, hot, in anguish.


And importantly, that compulsive punning, like she does here, like Mercutio does in his speech -- compulsive punning may well be the truest mode of speech, as every single object you see gets turned into a sexual compliment or a sexual conspirator -- and that our daily life, or not just daily life, but our day life, our daylight life, all dressed and polite and efficient, securely named and essentially anonymous, is just a bleached pretense, and that it cannot rest, or not for long, in just a cozy hug. She doesn't want a cozy hug. And that if it's perverse, as some critics have said, to think of mutilating your lover at the moment of greatest intimacy, it’s because sex is constitutionally perverse. It takes a different path.


And finally, it's because sex, desire, rehearses all the final things that we can never else survive.


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