茵梦湖中英文版 Immensee:四The Children1

茵梦湖中英文版 Immensee:四The Children1

The Children
Before very long the dainty form of a little maiden advanced toward him. Her name was Elisabeth, and she might have been five years old. He himself was twice that age. Round her neck she wore a red silk kerchief which was very becoming to her brown eyes.
"Reinhard!" she cried, "we have a holiday, a holiday! No school the whole day and none to-morrow either!"
这突如其来的假日真令他俩喜出望外。莱因哈德在伊莉莎白的帮助下,已用草皮在这里搭起一间小屋子,他俩打算在里边度过夏天的黄昏;不过目前还缺少坐的板凳。莱因哈德马上动手干起来;钉子、锒头和必需的木板反正是准备好了的。Reinhard was carrying his slate under his arm, but he flung it behind the front door, and then both the children ran through the house into the garden and through the garden gate out into the meadow. The unexpected holiday came to them at a most happily opportune moment.

It was in the meadow that Reinhard, with Elisabeth\'s help, had built a house out of sods of grass. They meant to live in it during the summer evenings; but it still wanted a bench. He set to work at once; nails, hammer, and the necessary boards were already to hand.
While he was thus engaged, Elisabeth went along the dyke, gathering the ring-shaped seeds of the wild mallow in her apron, with the object of making herself chains and necklaces out of them; so that when Reinhard had at last finished his bench in spite of many a crookedly hammered nail, and came out into the sunlight again, she was already wandering far away at the other end of the meadow.
