【英文版09】 David Butler:Design for Growth: Identify Your Growth Stage

【英文版09】 David Butler:Design for Growth: Identify Your Growth Stage




Large companies often struggle with agility while small companies often struggle to scale. In this lesson, David Butler, VP of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at The Coca-Cola Company, and long time designer, talks about the ways that design can be a fundamental part of a company achieving its goals, no matter where it is in its life cycle.





Every company wants to be a growth company. And growth actually means different things depending on your stage of development. So, if you’re a start up, growth to you means scale. How do you scale your product, your people, your distribution? So growth equals scale if you’re a startup or an early stage company. But once you have scale, then growth for you means agility. How do you actually adapt, change, create flexibility inside of your organization to move with the market, to quickly adapt to the market? So really agility is what most large organizations struggle with. But it’s all connected to growth.


Design for scale


Designing for scale is all about execution. If you’re a startup or early stage company you’ve been exploring everything, exploring your business model, your product, your distribution channels and so forth. But at some point, those things become solid, or you get to a place where you need to start scaling. So the challenge for you is to start designing for scale. That means you simplify, standardize and you integrate the core aspects of your business so that you can scale.


And if you think about Coke, putting their product in bottles long before they had of the final version that we know today. So the final version of what we call the “contour bottle” was designed in 1915. And again lots of exploration before then, but they simplified, standardized that bottle in 1915 and then they began to integrate it into the rest of their elements of their business so that they could scale. And in that example the contour bottle has remained unchanged for roughly 100 years.


Design for agility


Designing for agility is all about creating options. Think about Legos. I love Legos as a metaphor because I’ve traveled the world and everyone understands Legos. We’ve all played with Legos when we were kids, and if you have kids you’ve got them all over the place in your house now. So I love the talking about Legos.


A great thing about Legos is they have both fixed and flexible elements. Legos has this core set of bricks that we’re all familiar with: they’re primary colors; just a handful of bricks that have been the same for 50 years. The second thing that’s fixed is the way they connect. So there’s pegs in the bottom of Legos that allow them to connect with every other Lego, and they haven’t changed that locking mechanism for 50 years.


What has changed is what I would call the flexible elements. And those are the bricks that are relevant to today. And today has been different year after year, right? But today if you are a Harry Potter fan, there are bricks that you can connect to those core set of bricks to create Hogwarts Castle.


At Coke, as we move into big new developing markets like in India or Southeast Asia, often times one of our biggest challenges is frankly just getting our product to the shelf, physically getting our product to the shelf is actually one of the biggest challenges. So for us what we’ve done is we’ve adopted this approach, this Lego like approach and created a system around that. So for us in this instance, the fixed elements are our products, a crate and our customer. So we have to get our products in that crate to that customer.


What’s flexible is how we get it there. So most of the time you think about Coke being delivered in a big red truck. Well, that’s not going to work. If you’ve been to Bangalore, you know how crowded the streets can be, or if you’ve been to Vietnam, sometimes you have to go across a rickety bridge or a dirt road to get your product to market.


So, for us, again, what’s flexible is how we get our product to the shelf. And that can be in the form of a bike, in the form of a donkey, in the form of a boat, or in fact a big red truck. But we put those products in a crate and we put it on, again, a donkey, a truck and so forth to get it to market. And that combination of having fixed elements with flexible elements is how we can adapt to almost any challenge that we have in expanding in developing markets.




Large companies often struggle with agility while small companies often struggle to scale. In this lesson, David Butler, VP of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at The Coca-Cola Company, and long time designer, talks about the ways that design can be a fundamental part of a company achieving its goals, no matter where it is in its life cycle.



Design for scale

• Simplify, standardize, and integrate the core elements of your business so that you can execute with efficiency.



Design for agility

• Understand which parts of your business are fixed–and cannot change–and which are flexible.

• Make your business more adaptable by combining fixed and flexible elements.


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