13- 良医The Good Doctor - S01E05

13- 良医The Good Doctor - S01E05


The Good Doctor - S01E05

01  uncanny

uncanny      adj.奇怪的,异常的,难以解释的

【surprising or difficult to understand】

She has an uncanny sense of direction.

She had an uncanny resemblance to a friend of mine.

uncannily      adv.异常地,非常

She looked uncannily like a friend of mine.

02  snoop

snoop          v.偷窥,打探

snoop on sb. 打探,探听某人

snoop around place 在某处窥探

snoop into one’s life 窥探某人的生活

snoopy        adj.爱窥探的,爱多管闲事的

catch - caught - caught

catch sb. do sth. 发现/撞上某人做某事

catch sb. doing sth 发现某人正在做某事

The teacher caught him cheat in the exam.

be caught in sth. 陷入(麻烦而导致延误)

We were caught in the traffic. 我们堵路上了

We were caught in the rain. 我们淋了一身雨

phony          adj. 虚假的,虚伪的

03 close

be too close to sth. 过于关注某事

close      adj.严密的,密切的

keep a close eye on sth. 密切关注某事

too close to sth. 过于密切关注

close      adj.亲密的,亲近的

Generally speaking, fathers are not so close to their sons.

close      adj.接近正确答案,猜得差不多

the right amount of 适量的,适当的

04  plain

false = phony adj.虚假的

plain      adj.直白的,明显的,清楚的

He made it plain that he wanted to leave the group.

speak in plain language 直白的语言

What he said is a lie, plain and simple.

plain and simple / Plain as day


plain      adj.平淡朴素的,毫无装饰的

a plain dress/ room

plain food 清淡的食物

plain chicken 原味鸡肉

05 spoil

spoiler alert      剧透提醒

To explain this I have to give an important spoiler.

spoil          v.破坏

Don’t spoil the fun. = Don’t be a killjoy.


Our holiday was spoiled by the virus.

spoil          v.溺爱,娇惯

Her parents spoiled the girl.

Some customers are spoiled by good services.


