08 - 杀死伊芙 Killing Eve S01E08

08 - 杀死伊芙 Killing Eve S01E08


Season01 Episode08

1. fend

fend for yourself:do things without help


You should fend for yourself when you turn 18 and become an adult.

fend off : to protect yourself from sth; to keep sth away


The police managed to fend off the attackers.

defend    v. 防卫,防守

de-词缀,向下,削减,除去,加强, delimit

a-词缀,加强 await

2. confront

confront sb.     v.与某人对峙

confront sb. with sth    因某事与某人对峙

He confronted his boss with the promised pay.

confront sth.    v.面对

We need to learn how to confront death.

be confronted with sth    v. 面临,面对

The company was confronted with bankruptcy.

3. frightened

be frightened of    对……感到害怕

fright             n. 害怕

The fright of darkness made him awake for the whole night.

frightening    adj.可怕的,令人害怕的

The movie is so frightening.

be frightened/scared/afraid of sth 


4. rage

rage        v.愤怒 extremely angry

rage against 怒斥

People in Australia raged against the irresponsible Prime Minister.

sulk        n./v.生闷气

rage        v.肆虐

Because the fire has raged for four months and now it’s out of control.

rage        n. 愤怒

road rage 路怒

be all the rage = very popular

Vlog is all the rage nowadays.


5. drive

drive        v.迫使,逼迫

drive sb. + adj. (mad/crazy/insane)    


drive sb. to do sth        迫使某人做某事

Those kids are driving me to despair.

Hunger drove him to steal.

drive        v.激励,促使,驱使,驱动

This machine is driven by electricity.

Much of the ingenuity present in 19th-century hospital and building design was driven by a panicked public clamouring for buildings that could protect against what was thought to be the lethal threat of miasmas - toxic air that spread disease.

drive        n.动力,驱动(电脑)

She is an ambitious girl, full of drive and determination.

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