


[00:00.90]How can you not waste your life怎样才能不虚度人生

[00:03.90]This is the kiss of youth that haunts every life这是萦绕在每一位生命心头的青春之吻

[00:09.30]In the face of profound and complex changes in the world面对世界的深刻复杂变化

[00:12.10]Facing the mutual agitation of various ideological trends in the information age面对信息时代各种思潮的相互激荡

[00:16.40]In the face of various social phenomena面对纷繁多样的社会现象

[00:20.10]Facing academic career面对学业事业



[00:23.81]Career choice and other considerations职业选择等多方面的考量

[00:29.50]We should learn to set up a correct outlook on life under the guidance of scientific theories我们要学会在科学理论指导下树立正确的人生观

[00:34.21]Pursue their own life with the development and progress of the country把自己的人生追求同国家的发展进步

[00:39.10]The great practices of the people are closely linked人民伟大实践紧密结合起来

[00:42.31]Through unremitting efforts to achieve the value of life通过不懈的努力实现人生价值

[00:48.00]The first volume of xi jinping's talk on the governance of China, published by general secretary xi jinping in 2018, contains such a passage习近平总书记曾经在2018年出版的习近平谈治国理政第一卷中有这样一段

[00:57.00]Develop a correct view of the world要树立正确的世界观

[00:59.71]The outlook on life人生观


[01:02.30]Master the master key掌握了这把总钥匙

[01:04.71]Then look at the social landscape of life miles再来看看社会万象人生里程

[01:07.81]Everything is right and wrong一切是非正误

[01:10.00]The primary and secondary true, good, evil, beauty and ugliness of nature主次一句真假善恶美丑自然就洞若观火

[01:17.90]Clear and bright清澈明亮

[01:19.80]Nature is able to make the right judgment自然就能够做出正确的判断

[01:22.01]Make the right choice作出正确的选择

[01:26.70]We think and plan our way through life我们思考和规划自己的人生之路

[01:29.41]First of all, we should learn to look at the fundamental problems of life scientifically首先要学会科学地看待人生的根本问题

[01:33.81]Recognize the dialectical relationship between individuals and society认识个人与社会的辩证关系

[01:36.61]Grasp the basic theory of interest rate of outlook on life掌握人生观的利率基本理论

[01:41.20]The course of human life is different from that of other animals人的生命里程不同于其他动物的生命历程

[01:46.40]People not only need to maintain their own survival and reproduction人不仅要维系自身的生存和繁衍

[01:51.81]There are also productive interactions还有生产交往

[01:53.51]Creation is observed in the richness of social life创造在极为丰富的社会生活中观察

[01:58.31]Thinking about思索

[02:00.41]Discrimination and selection判别和选择

[02:03.70]Outlook on life is about people's purpose in life人生观就是人们关于人生目的

[02:06.71]Attitude towards life人生态度

[02:08.31]General views and views on the value of life and other issues人生价值等问题的总观点和总看法

[02:14.70]Think about life思考人生

[02:15.61]Develop a correct outlook on life树立正确的人生观

[02:17.61]The first step is to have a scientific understanding of what a person is and what the nature of a person is. Right首先需要对人是什么和人的本质是什么等问题有科学的认识

[02:26.00]Human beings come from nature just like other creatures in nature人类来源于自然界和自然界的其他生物一样

[02:30.51]They also metabolize也要进行新陈代谢

[02:32.51]Reproduction goes through birth, sickness and death繁衍后代经历生老病死

[02:37.10]All natural processes一切自然过程


[02:41.10]The activity of human life is different from that of animals人的生命活动不同于动物的生命

[02:43.41]Activists work for survival and development活动人士以劳动求得生存和发展

[02:50.10]Labor played a decisive role in the transition from animal to human人类在脱离动物状态而转变为以人的过程中劳动发挥了决定性作用

[02:59.30]Human practice is conscious人的实践活动是有意识的

[03:02.60]As Marx and Engels talk about正如马克思恩格斯文集中谈到的

[03:06.10]The activities of a spider are similar to those of a weaver蜘蛛的活动与织工的活动相似

[03:09.91]The bee building蜜蜂建筑

[03:10.61]The power of beehives has put many an architect to shame蜂房的本领使人间许多建筑师感到惭愧

[03:14.51]But the worst builders are better than the most dexterous bees from the start但是最蹩脚的建筑师从一开始就比最灵巧的蜜蜂

[03:19.61]The clever thing is that he built the hive in his own head before he built it with beeswax高明的地方是他用蜂蜡建筑蜂房之前已经在自己的头脑中把它建成了

[03:31.70]People can be concerned with their own activities and content人能够对自己的存在活动和内容方式有所关

[03:38.20]And make choices according to certain officials并且根据一定的官作出选择

[03:42.31]To take action采取行动

[03:45.80]Man's knowledge of himself is an age-old problem人对自身的认识既是一个古老的问题

[03:48.51]Another long-term problem又是一个长期的问题

[03:50.81]In the history of Chinese and foreign thought在中外思想史上

[03:52.71]Many thinkers have put forward their opinions from different angles许多思想家对此曾有从不同的角度提出过自己的见解

[03:59.21]Some of them are insightful其中不乏真知灼见

[04:01.51]It provides a lot of thought data for science to reveal the nature of human being为科学揭示人的本质提供了大量的思想资料

[04:06.51]The core of human knowledge lies in the understanding of human nature对人的认识核心在于认识人的本质

[04:12.00]Marx and Engels马克思恩格斯文集中

[04:13.31]Marx applied the standpoint of dialectical materialism and historical materialism马克思运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的立场

[04:18.91]Point method观点方法

[04:20.81]You reveal the essence of humanity揭开了人类本质之你

[04:24.81]He pointed out that他指出

[04:25.31]The essence of man is not an abstraction inherent in a single individual人的本质不是单个人所固有的抽象物

[04:30.00]In its actuality在其现实性上

[04:31.91]It is the sum of all social relations它是一切社会关系的总和

[04:36.40]For the first time in human history, science has explained the nature of man这一论断在人类历史上第一次科学说明了人的本质

[04:44.90]To develop a correct outlook on life为人们认识人生形成正确的人生观

[04:48.11]It provides a scientific methodology提供了科学的方法论

[04:52.80]Everyone is in a certain social relationship任何人都是处在一定的社会关系中

[04:57.01]A person engaged in social practice从事社会实践活动的人

[05:01.70]The attribute of society is the essential attribute of man社会的属性是人的本质属性

[05:05.71]Everyone from the day they came to the world每一个人从来到人世间的那一天起

[05:10.91]They belong to certain social groups就从属一定的社会群体

[05:14.90]All kinds of social relationships take place with the people around them同周围的人发生着各种个样的社会关系

[05:19.30]Like family relationships如家庭关系

[05:23.90]Regional relationship地域关系

[05:26.90]Geographic relationship industrial relationship地缘关系业缘关系

[05:30.11]Economic relations经济关系

[05:31.81]Political relations政治关系

[05:34.00]Legal relationship法律关系

[05:37.20]Moral relations and so forth道德关系等等

[05:40.60]The sum of man's social relations determines his nature人的社会关系的总和决定了人的本质

[05:45.20]It is in this objective and constantly changing social relationship that people shape themselves人们正是在这种客观的不断变化的社会关系中塑造自我

[05:51.11]To become a real person with personality traits成为真正现实的具有个性特征的人

[05:56.81]Therefore, the understanding of human nature can only be based on the specific historical social relations engaged in social practice因此认识人的本质只能立足于具体的历史的社会关系中从事社会实践的人

[06:07.81]You can't start with an abstract theory of human nature而不能从抽象的人性论出发

[06:11.51]We cannot rely on divine revelation更不能依靠神的启示

[06:16.40]Under certain social and historical conditions真是在一定的社会历史条件下

[06:18.61]People face all kinds of situations人们面对各种各样的境遇

[06:21.71]Practice life in objective and constantly changing social relationships在客观的不断变化的社会关系中实践人生

[06:27.01]Through real life通过现实的生活

[06:29.10]Gradually understand the life逐渐的感悟人生

[06:31.91]Formed a corresponding outlook on life形成了相应的人生观

