






FAERIE is a perilous land, and in it are pitfalls for the unwary and dungeons for the overbold… The realm of fairy-story is wide and deep and high and filled with many things: all manner of beasts and birds are found there; shoreless seas and stars uncounted; beauty that is an enchantment, and an ever-present peril; both joy and sorrow as sharp as swords. In that realm a man may, perhaps, count himself fortunate to have wandered, but its very richness and strangeness tie the tongue of a traveller who would report them. And while he is there it is dangerous for him to ask too many questions, lest the gates should be shut and the keys be lost.





《汤姆·邦巴迪尔历险记》之The Last Ship

The oars were stayed. They turned aside:
‘Do you hear the call, Earth-maiden?
Firiel! Firiel!’ they cried.
‘Our ship is not full-laden.
One more only we may bear.
Come! For your days are speeding.
Come! Earth-maiden elven-fair,
Our last call heeding.’
Firiel looked from the river-bank,
One step daring;
Then deep in clay her feet sank,
And she halted staring.
Slowly the elven-ship went by
Whispering through the water:
‘I cannot come!’ they heard her cry.
‘I was born Earth’s daughter!’


Another time he took them to the other side (or as near as he dared), and that was a still longer and more exciting journey, the most marvellous of all Roverandom’s travels, as he realized later, when he was grown to be an older and a wiser dog. It would take the whole of another story, at least , to tell you of all their adventures in Uncharted Waters and of their glimpses of lands unknown to geography, before they passed the Shadowy Seas and reached the great Bay of Fairyland (as we call it) beyond the Magic Isles; and saw far off in the last West the Mountains of Elvenhome and the light of Faery upon the waves. Roverandom thought he caught a glimpse of the city of the Elves on the green hill beneath the Mountains, a glint of white far away; but Uin dived again so suddenly that he could not be sure. If he was right, he is one of the very few creatures, on two legs or four, who can walk about our own lands and say they have glimpsed that other land, however far away.

  • 阿列莎莎服你


    托尔金的树叶 回复 @阿列莎莎服你: 整个中洲对现代人来说都是必然流逝的、分离的、悲伤的。

  • 茫芙


    托尔金的树叶 回复 @茫芙: 哈哈,我们大概会越做越疯吧~~

  • 猫老师只会汪汪汪


  • 灰袍埃尔达


    托尔金的树叶 回复 @灰袍埃尔达: 嘻嘻~~