What simple invention ended the Wild West(带刺铁丝网)

What simple invention ended the Wild West(带刺铁丝网)


What simple invention ended the Wild West?
In the mid-1800's in America, the West was untamed(未驯服的).
But the same invention that would 

devastate(彻底破坏) the battlefields of World War One,

and imprison people in camps in the 20th century 
would eventually change that.
Its infamous nicknames were: "The Thorny Fence", 
or "The Devil's Rope".
This was barbed wire(带刺铁丝网).
The first practical barbed wire 
came from Michael Kelley, 
from New York, in 1868.
Others tried to patent their versions as well, 
but the most definitive design was patented(申请专利) on November 24th, 1874,
by Joseph Glidden, who was a farmer.
His version was sturdier(更结实的 than the others. 
It consisted of one wire 
holding sharp metal barbs(倒钩 along its length.
A second, barbless wire was twisted around this first wire, 
thus doubling its strength, and stopping it from sliding around.
In the same year that it was patented,
32 miles or 51 kilometers of wire was produced.
This solved the problem for farmers in the Wild West, 
as it was difficult to settle the land, 
which the Homestead Act of 1862 had enabled.
Before barbed wire, 
the West was better suited to cowboys or 
cattlemen who followed the law of the open range,
which meant they could graze freely where they liked.
Without protections via fences, 
their cattle would trample(踩踏) and eat farmer's crops with ease. 
So establishing a farm was impossible.
Barbed wire solved this problem for farmers.
Before barbed wire, wooden fences were used. 
However, this proved expensive 

and difficult to build because lumber was in short supply.
Building walls out of rocks was also difficult 
as stone was scarce as well
Even thorn bush hedges to put off(阻止) cattle were used 

but they grew too slowly
all of these solutions did not hold up(坚持) well 
against extreme weather 
a Pre barbed wire fence was also ineffective 
because there was nothing to keep cattle at a distance
So when they pressed against it it just broke
John, W bet a million gates 
promoted the barbed wire in Texas 
describing it as lighter than air
stronger than whiskey
Cheaper than dust. 
It is said that he made bets to see 
if a Texas Longhorn to trample past the barbed wire
Initially, it seemed like a fragile fence to the spectators
but the Longhorns couldn't break past it 
which convinced people to buy this new revolutionary product
the demand Skyrocketed 
the use of barbed wire spread fast and 
because it dramatically changed the West 
caused a lot of conflicts
The cattle that got too close to the barbed wire 
were wounded and often died
Access to grazing areas and water was now very difficult 
and barbed wire fences were even placed on public land
When barbed wire was put up by larger scale cattlemen 
smaller scale cattlemen cut it to get access to grazing land and water
Armed gangs were often employed to cut the wire at night 
and left warnings against rebuilding
Sometimes this ended up in violent shootouts
Things got so bad that fence cutting was soon made a felony(重罪)
Native Americans called it the devil's rope 
as the barbed wire enabled farmers to finally 
stake out their property
Which had actually been Native American territory
With barbed wire cattle could be confined to designated areas 
while keeping other Cattlemen's animals away
So Cowboys were no longer needed to handle and control cattle
The open range was now closed

