speaker 1 It is great because usually it means my wife can use the one at home and we even take mine away at weekends. I work for a quite relaxed company and they do not seem to mind how I use it for leisure . speaker 2 I thought it would't change the way I worked after the first six months .but as they got older it actually become more complicated with getting them to school or if they want to do activities in the afternoon . But my boss has been really good about it and some days I can do a half day if I want , and then I might work later on other days or I take work home , which I do not like doing, but it is the only way ... speaker 3 it is actually the law now , so they had to let me have it . it is only two weeks but at least I had time to help my wife out , mind you , after the all late nights and crying I was really happy to get them to work for a while and have a rest. speaker 4 I've just been promoted from Assistant IT Technician to Chief Operational Administrator . It means that I get a bit of pay rise and new business cards with my name on . I am not sure if i get my office though . speaker 5 the problem for me is that I won't have enough to live on when I am 60 and I cannot afford a private plan. so I am probably try and keep working for few more years. And anyway I heard the government is planning to raise the age of retirement.
speaker2 那个死老女人能不能不要一口气说那么长,真没素质!
听友31546636 回复 @听友416088766: 哈哈哈,太好笑了