原文朗读+词汇复习【优势领导力 Strengths Leadership: 05B】

原文朗读+词汇复习【优势领导力 Strengths Leadership: 05B】



This higher level need poses an interesting challenge; it appears that followers want stability in the moment and hope for the future. Followers also mentioned the words direction, faith, and guidance when describing this basic need.


When Gallup studied the impact that leaders can have throughout an organization, the single most powerful question we asked employees was whether their company’s leadership made them “feel enthusiastic about the future.” Sixty-nine percent of employees who strongly agreed with this statement were engaged in their jobs, compared to a mere 1% of employees who disagreed or strongly disagreed. Based on these data, it appears that this may be the one area in which higher level leaders can have the moat influence in their organization.


    Instilling hope may seem like an obvious requirement for leading other people. Hope gives followers something to look forward to, and it helps them see a way through chaos and complexity. Knowing that things can and will be better in the future is a powerful motivator. When hope is absent, people lose confidence, disengage, and often feel helpless.

Key words and phrases

1.     pose   vt. 放置,摆出,提出

pose a question  提出问题

pose a challenge   提出挑战

2.     enthusiastic   adj. 热心的,热情的

3.     mere   adj. 仅仅,小的

4.     instill   v. 逐步灌输,使某人获得(某种可取的品质)

5.     chaos   n. 混乱

6.     complexity   n. 复杂性

7.     motivate   v. 激励

motivator  n. 激励因素

8.     disengage   v. 脱离,游离

9.     optimism   n. 乐观

10.  initiate   v. 发起,开始

11.  toss about  折腾,翻来覆去

12.  head-on   adv. 迎头,正面地

13.  scenario   n. 情景,场景

14.  visceral   adj. 内脏的,发自内心的

15.  prompt   v. 提示,促使

16.  beforehand   adv./adj. 事先,提前的

