I owe you one

I owe you one


Daily Oral Conversation 原创日常口语会话
--Hi, dude, you treat me to a meal, so I owe you one. 
--Oh, it's not much to be particular about. 
--In return for your kindness, I'd like to buy you a coffee. 
--Thank you, it's very thoughtful of you, but I don't feel like drinking coffee.
--Well, no problem. How about orange juice?
--Okay, a glass of orange juice really hits the spot.

Words & Phrases
1) treat sb to sth: 请某人吃;招待某人吃;以…招待某人
treat sb. to an ice-cream 请某人吃一杯冰淇淋
2) I owe you one:我欠你一个人情;我欠你一次;我欠你一份人情
3) It's not much to be particular about
 =it's not worth mentioning: 不值一提
be particular about
: 挑剔;对……挑剔;讲究;对……讲究
4) in return for: 作…的报酬[回礼]; 作为…的报答;作为对…的回报;作为…的交换
He took me out for a nice dinner in return for all of the help I gave him.
5) it's very thoughtful of you: 你想得真周到;你太细心体贴了;你真够细心体贴的
6) feel like doing sth: to want to have or do something: 想要做某事;觉得想做;想干某事
I feel like going to get ice cream – want to come? 
7) hit the spot: to be exactly what is needed  正是所需要的;正合要求;恰到好处;正合口味; 正中下怀 
That bacon sandwich really hit the spot! 那个熏肉三明治正是我想要的!

