Lesson 122 Buy A Car

Lesson 122 Buy A Car


 Lesson 122 Buy a car.   买车。                                    

1) So what kind of a car are you thinking of?  那么你想买什么样的车呢?                       


2) I would like to buy something with space for my family. 我想买一辆可以载得下我家人的车。            


3) Then you probably want a SUV.  那么你可能想要一辆越野车。                                   

4) I'm also intending to take some trips with it, so it needs to be comfortable.  我也打算带着它去旅行,所以它需要舒适。                             

5) I think we have the right vehicle for you. 我想我们有适合你的车。                          

6) This model seats seven and has over 200 horsepower. It will easily cruise on the highway.  该型号可容纳7人,功率超过200马力。 它将轻松在高速公路上行驶。                           

7) How is the economy?  耗油量如何?                      

8) It's pretty economical for its size and is rated the most efficient for its class.   就其大小而言,这是相当省油的,被评为同类产品中效能最高的。                                  

9) The dealership is having a sale on this model only for this week. 厂商正在促销这款汽车,只限本周。                       

10) This particular vehicle has the additional options and higher level trim package.    这款特殊的车辆具有其他选件和更高级别的内饰套件。                             

11) Will you be paying cash or would you like to finance it?  您将要支付现金还是要分期付款?

12) We are currently offering a finance plan with a low down payment and affordable terms.  我们目前正在提供一个低首付和负担得起的分期还款计划。      

13) Can you trade in my old car?  你能把我的旧车折价抵押吗?                                  

14) Yes, we would be happy to. We will have our appraiser take a look to give you a price.  是的,我们很乐意。 我们将让我们的评估师为您报价。                              

15) Great. What is your best price for this? Perhaps we can make a deal.  太好了。这个你最优惠的价格是多少?也许我们能达成共识。

