扇贝口语 | 剁手也别忘了学口语

扇贝口语 | 剁手也别忘了学口语

双十一购物节:Single’s Day Shopping Spree/ Double 11 Mega Sale
清空购物车:pay for the shopping cart
收支平衡:make both ends meet
勉强过活:keep my head above water
冲动消费:impulse buying
经济适用男女:budget husband/ wife
包邮:free delivery 
满88元包邮:The deliveries are free for orders over 88 Yuan.

口语考试模拟对话Part 3
考官:Do you think this kind of shopping festival encourages people to save money or to waste money?

参考答案1:It saves money. Many online stores  run promotional campaigns. They even offer promotions up to 50% off, which means, if you are really into an item and it happens to be on sale, it’ll be a great deal. 

参考答案2:I would say that it’s totally a waste of money. You know you always get what you pay for. The so-called discount offered by the online shopkeepers is just a way to clear stocks. In most cases, few of us can buy the most sought-after products, which only serve the purpose of attracting irrational buyers, and we end up spending money on overstocked ones. Isn’t it a loss in fact?



垫音:Yankee Doodle/Battle Cry Of Freedom-Craig Duncan;Larrons En Foire-Raphaël Beau

