视听说1(第三版)Unit3_P49Experiences of a lifetime

视听说1(第三版)Unit3_P49Experiences of a lifetime



Speaking for communication: Group discussion (Get ideas)


I = Interviewer; S1 = Speaker 1; S2 = Speaker 2; S3 = Speaker 3

I: Excuse me. Do you have a second? We’re asking people aboutexperiences of a lifetime … for a survey.

S1: Oh … Er, yes, if … if it’s quick.

I: Great! Could you look at this list? Have you done any of thesethings?

S1: Hmm … Yes, yes, I have actually. Well, one of them! I’ve been toGuatemala and I’ve climbed that volcano, I think.

I: Anything else?

S1: No, no, I don’t think so. Sorry, I have to run …

I: Excuse me …

S2: What?

I: Have you ever ridden an elephant?

S2: Uh, what? Why? Uh, no. No, I haven’t …

I: We’re doing a survey on experiences of a lifetime. Can I show youthis list? Um, have you done any of these activities?

S2: Oh, OK. OK. Er, let’s see … Um … No, no, no, no. Oh, I’ve sailed down the Nile … So that’s one thing. In fact, I went to Egypt last year, with the (my) wife … our wedding anniversary … It was funny because …

I: Excuse me. Er, we’re doing a survey … about experiences of a lifetime.

S3: Right …

I: Two minutes. Could you just look at this list? Have you done any of these things?

S3: OK. Well … I don’t travel that much, so … I, I haven’t been to Iceland … but it looks nice – swimming in a thermal spa looks fun.

I: And the other things?

S3:  Hmmno … Well , I’ve seen some of themon Tx . Is that OK? Does that count?



Speaker 1: Climbing a volcano

Speaker 2: Sailing down the Nile

Speaker 3: None of them


The expressions you hear are 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9. 

  • 听友260164048


    issyEnglish 回复 @听友260164048: 现在教材都有很好用的APP啦,就没更了