视听说1(第三版)Unit3_P43The most frightening experience

视听说1(第三版)Unit3_P43The most frightening experience



Listen to the world: Sharing and Listening P.43

This happened in Australia … when I was about 25. I spent a few days ata hotel in Alice Springs and went to Ayers Rock and … Well, anyway, one day, Iwent out for a walk … in the outback. It was a lovely day so I walked andwalked … and then I realized I didn’t really know where I was. I was a bitstupid, really … because I decided to go further … I guess I thought I’d findthe way back. Um … anyway, after that I heard some dogs. First I heard thembarking, and then I saw them … There was a group – maybe five or six dogs, wilddogs, coming towards me. I felt really frightened, but I remembered some adviceI, I, er … um, I … I read in my guidebook: Don’t move, and don’t look at thedogs. So I froze, like a statue … I didn’t move … and I looked at a tree, notat the dogs, and didn’t move my eyes. The dogs were all around me, jumping andbarking … I thought they were going to bite me. Then one dog did bite my arm,just a little, but still I didn’t move. In the end, after about 20 minutes, thedogs went away. I stayed there for a few more minutes and then luckily found myway back to the hotel. It was the most frightening experience I’ve ever had!


2. a d h e b g c f

3. 1) In Australia  2) Because he decided to go further after herealized he didn’t know where he was  3)Really frightened  4) Don’t move, and don’tlook at the dogs  5) A tree


  • 听友97885492

    只有第三单元的吗 没有搜到其他的

    issyEnglish 回复 @听友97885492: 只传了1-3单元的http://www.ximalaya.com/40781350/album/5387726/

  • 1870412pvgx
  • 知性小棚妃吖


  • loser_bew


    issyEnglish 回复 @loser_bew: 你没有教材?