




EPI is a Greek prefix that may mean various things, but usually “on, over” or “attached to.” So an earthquake's epicenter is the ground right over the center of the quake. And your epidermis is the outer layer of your skin, on top of the inner dermis.


EPI 是希腊语的前缀,可以表达多种事物,但通常是“on,over”或“attached to”。因此 an earthquake's epicenter 意思是地震中心正上方的地面Your epidermis 意思是你皮肤的表层,在真皮的内层之上。


epilogueThe final section after the main part of a book or play.



• Her editor told her the book really needed an epilogue, to tell where each member of the family is today.




From its Greek roots, epilogue means basically “words attached (at the end).”An epilogue often somehow wraps up a story's action, as in the one for a famous Shakespeare play that ends, “For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”


从希腊语的词根来看,epilogue 意思基本上是“words attached(at the end)附加词(在结尾)”。An epilogue 通常以某种方式结束一个故事的动作,就像莎士比亚一部著名戏剧的结尾那样,“因为从来没有比朱丽叶和罗密欧更悲惨的故事了。”


In nonfiction books, we now often use the term afterword instead of epilogue, just as we now generally use foreword instead of prologue (see LOG). Movies also often have a kind of epilogue—maybe a scene after the exciting climax when the surviving lovers meet in a café to talk about their future. The epilogue of a musical composition, after all the drama is over, is called the coda (Italian for “tail”).


在非虚构小说中,我们经常使用 afterword 来替代 epilogue,就像我们现在通常使用 foreword(前言)来代替 prologue(序言)。电影也尝尝会有一种结尾,也许是在激动人心的高潮之后,幸存的恋人在咖啡馆见面,谈论他们的未来。在所有的戏剧结束之后,音乐做皮的结尾被称作尾声(coda)(意大利语为“tail”)。



短语 wrap up

1wrap (sb) up : to dress in warm clothes, or to dress someone in warm clothes (使某人)穿得暖和

Wrap up well - it's cold outside. 穿暖和点——外面很冷

2wrap sb (up) in cotton woolto try to protect someone too carefully 娇惯(某人);过分保护(某人)

You can't wrap (up) your children in cotton wool forever.

3wrap sb around your little finger: to persuade someone easily to do what you want them to do 轻而易举地说服(某人)

4wrap sth up: to cover or surround something in paper, cloth or other material (用纸,布或其他材料)包裹【本文采用此意】

Warp up a story's action = to cover or surround a story's action in an epilogue



Epiphyte: A plant that obtains its nutrients from the air and the rain and usually grows on another plant for support.



• The strangler fig begins life as an epiphyte on a tree branch, drops its tendrils to take root in the ground around the trunk, and slowly covers and strangles the tree to death.




Epiphytic plants are sometimes known as “air plants” because they seemingly survive on thin air. They rely on their host plants merely for physical support, not nourishment.




Tropical epiphytes include orchids, ferns, and members of the pineapple family. To a newcomer in the tropical rain forest, the first sight of a great tree with large epiphytes hanging from every level can be eerie and astonishing. Familiar epiphytes of the temperate zone include lichens, mosses, and algae, which may grow on rocks or water without touching the soil.




epitaphAn inscription on a grave or tomb in memory of the one buried there.



• The great architect Christopher Wren designed London's majestic St. Paul's Cathedral, the site of his tomb and epitaph: “Si monumentum requiris, circumspice” (“If you seek my monument, look around you”).


伟大的建筑师克里斯托弗·雷恩设计了伦敦雄伟的圣保罗大教堂,他的陵墓就在这个教堂内,以及他的墓志铭: “Si monumentum requiris, circumspice” (如果你在寻找我的纪念碑,请环顾四周)。


Epitaph includes the root from the Greek word taphos, “tomb” or “funeral.”Traditionally, epitaph refers to a tombstone inscription, but it can also refer to brief memorial statements that resemble such inscriptions. One of the most famous is Henry Lee's epitaph for George Washington: “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”


Epitaph 的词根来源于希腊语 taphos,意思是“坟墓”或“葬礼”。传统上,墓志铭指的是墓碑上的铭文,但也可以指类似此类铭文的简短的纪念性陈述。其中最著名的是亨利·李维乔治·华盛顿写的墓志铭:战时第一,和时第一,国人心中第一。


epithet  (1) A descriptive word or phrase occurring with or in place of the name of a person or thing. (2) An insulting or demeaning word or phrase.





• King Richard I of England earned the epithet “Lionhearted,” while his brother, King John, was given the epithet “Lackland.” From its Greek roots, epithet would mean something “put on,” or added.


英国国王理查一世获得了“狮心”的成活,而他的兄弟约翰国王则获得了“拉克兰”的称号。从希腊语的词根上看,这个称号的意思是“put on”或“added”


Sometimes the added name follows a given name, as in Erik the Red or Billy the Kid. In other cases, the epithet precedes the personal name, as in Mahatma (“Great-souled”) Gandhi. In still others, it's used in place of the actual name, as in El Greco (“The Greek”) or El Cid (“The Lord”). In its other common meaning, an epithet is a mocking or insulting name (like “Lackland” in the example sentence). When enemies are said to be “hurling epithets” at each other, it means they're exchanging angry insults.


有时一个名字后面会跟一个名字,比如“红色埃里克”或“比利小子”。在其他情况下,绰号总是出现在个人名字之前,就像圣雄甘地(《伟大的灵魂》)一样。在另外一些情况下,它被用来代替实际的名字。在它的另一个常见含义中,绰号是一个嘲弄或侮辱性的名字(如例句中的“lackland”)。当敌人被说成是相互“hurling epithets”时,意味着他们在互相愤怒地侮辱对方。



