SEQU comes from theLatin verb sequi, meaning “to follow.” A sequel follows the original novel,film, or television show.
SEQU来自拉丁语动词 sequi,意思是“跟随”。Sequel(续集)是在原小说、电影或电视剧之后出现的。
sequential (1) Arranged in order or in a series. (2)Following in a series.
• In writing thehistory of the , his challenge was to put all the events of thosefateful days in proper sequential order.
Things in sequence,or regular order, are arranged sequentially. Most novels and films movesequentially, but some use techniques such as flashbacksthat interrupt the movement forward in time. Sequential courses in college mustfollow each other in the proper order, just like sequential tasks or steps.
若说事物 in sequence,即是说这些事物按照一定顺序排列。大多数小说和电影都是按顺序进行的,但有些小说和电影使用了倒叙等技巧,打断了时间的推移。大学里连续的课程必须按照一定的顺序相互衔接,就像连续的任务或步骤一样。
subsequent:Followingin time, order, or place; later.
• Through all hersubsequent love affairs, she never stopped thinking about the man who got away.
The prefix sub-normally means “below,” and the sub- in subsequent seems to imply thateverything after the first is somehow inferior. As the definition states,subsequent can refer to time (“All our subsequent attempts to contact herfailed”), order (“The subsequent houses on the list looked even worse”), orplace (“The subsequent villages on the river heading east become steadily moreprimitive”). But subsequently, as in “I subsequently learned the real story,”simply means “later.”
前缀 sub- 表示“below,在……之下”,而 sub- 在单词 subsequent 中似乎意味着第一个之后的所有东西都是次等的。按照定义,subsequent 可以指时间(我们后来联系他的所有尝试都失败了)、顺序(名单上后面的房子看起来更糟糕)、地点(河流上越向东的村庄越原始)。但是 subsequently,就像在“我后来知道了真实的故事”中一样,仅仅意味着“以后”。
consequential (1) Resulting. (2) Important.
• None of ourdiscussions thus far has been very consequential; next week's meeting will bethe important one.
Somethingconsequential follows or comes along with something else. The “resulting”meaning of consequential is usually seen in legal writing. For example,“consequential losses” are losses that supposedly resulted from some improperbehavior, about which the lawyer's client is suing. But normally consequentialmeans “significant” or “important,” and it's especially used for events thatwill produce large consequences, or results.
说某物consequential,即是说事物跟随或伴随其他事物而来。Consequential 中的“结果(resulting)”意义通常出现在法律写作中。例如,“结果性损失”是指律师的客户正在起诉的某些不当行为可能导致的损失。但在通常情况下,这个单词意思为“重大的”或“重要的”,尤其用于那些会产生重大后果或结果的事件。
non sequitur A statement that does not follow logicallyfrom anything previously said.
• Rattled by thequestion, his mind went blank, and he blurted out a non sequitur that fetched afew laughs from members of the audience.
Non sequitur isactually a complete sentence in Latin, meaning “It does not follow”—that is,something said or written doesn't logically follow what came before it. It wasAristotle who identified the non sequitur as one of the basic fallacies oflogic—that is, one of the ways in which a person's reasoning may go wrong. ForAristotle, the non sequitur is usually a conclusion that doesn't actuallyresult from the reasoning and evidence presented. Sometime when you'relistening to politicians answering questions, see how many non sequiturs youcan spot.
Non sequitur 实际上是一个完整的拉丁语句子,意思是“没有遵循”——也就是说,说的或写的东西在逻辑上不遵循之前的内容。亚里士多德认为,逻辑推理的不合理性是逻辑学的基本谬误之一,也就是说,一个人的推理可能是出错的方式之一。对亚里士多德来说,不合逻辑的结论通常不是推理和证据的结果。有时候,当你听政客们回答问题的时候,能发现一些不合逻辑的东西。