


1 完美主义者perfectionist
2 强迫症compulsory disorder
3 工作狂workaholic
4 期限前完工meet the deadline
5 改变生活方式change one’s lifestyle
6 请病假take a sick leave 
7 失眠insomnia 
8 工作量大have a heavy workload
9 蹦极bungee jumping
10 放弃一份高薪工作give up a highly paid job 

depression 抑郁症
compromise 妥协
lifestyle   working environment    quality of life    workaholic 
deadline      workload     work-life balance    flexitime

5)     A flexitime system can help reduce stress levels of employees by giving them more control over their working hours.
6)    If you have children, working from home may help improve your ________.
7)   Many people argue that technology has greatly improved our _________ and the way we feel about work. Others disagree, arguing it actually increases stress.

Can you give one example to show technology has greatly improved our quality of life?
book the plane ticket on the Internet 网上订机票
self-driving car
robot 机器人
online learning 在线学习
无人机 drone 
8) A clean, quiet, comfortable and friendly ________ can effectively reduce levels of stress. 

3 Skill – participating in discussions 参与讨论
A You are going to hear the HR department of a transportation company discussing ways of improving the staff's health and fitness. What ways do you think they will mention?

