


1 咱们开始吧。Let’s get started. Let’s begin, shall we?

2 尊敬的来宾distinguished guests 

3 汤姆,要不从你开始吧?Tom, would you like to kick us off? Would you like to open the discussion? Perhaps you’d like to get the ball rolling?

4 正如大家都知道的,今天会议的目的是讨论我们新办公室的选址问题。As you know/As you are aware, the purpose of this meeting is to discuss the location(selection) of our new office.

5 接下来我把话筒交给玛丽。I’m going to give the floor to Mary.

6 给每位参会者平等的发言时间give equal floor time to each attendee

7 管理冲突manage conflicts 

8 假货 counterfeit (products)

brick and mortar store 实体店

种族歧视 racism

unpunctual 不守时的

There are exceptions(例外) when it is necessary to extend the meeting. 延长会议

excusable 可以原谅的

fair 公平的

give each attendee equal floor time 平等的发言时间

1)        Open the meeting:

Thanks to our distinguished guests for coming to today's meeting.

As you are aware, I’ve arranged this meeting to…/The purpose of this meeting is to…

As you know/, I’ve called this meeting to discuss the situation in the Marketing Department. It seems the customer complaint rate has been a bit out of control lately.

nvite people to speak:

---invite the 1st person to speak

Would you like to open the discussion, Tom? / Tom, would you like to kick us off?

3) Make your point:

4)  Show agreement and disagreement: 

5)  Interrupt:

6)  Close the meeting:

4 Listening

