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45 嗨,雪宝,我飞了65亿公里来看你【拓展版】


Icy World 4 Billion Miles Away Looks Like a Snowman in New NASA Images


Scientists say with confidence that Ultima Thule long ago was “two completely separate objects that are now joined together.”


If it is indeed a pristine planetesimal, a building block of the planets, studying it will offer clues to how Earth and its neighbors formed.


On Tuesday, scientists released a blurry picture of this small world, also known by its official designation 2014 MU69, taken before the flyby from a distance of half a million miles. It sort of looked like a fuzzy bowling pin then.


It consists of two almost spherical lobes, one with about three times the volume of the other. To tell them apart, they named the larger one Ultima and the smaller one Thule. “Being scientists, we are not all that creative with words,” Dr. Stern said.


Such contact binaries appear to be common in the outer solar system, but, Dr. Stern said, “This is the first object that we can clearly tell was born this way.”











该天体也被官方命名为2014 MU69。周二,科学家们发布了一张该天体的模糊照片,这张照片是在对其进行近距离探测之前,在距其50万英里地方拍摄的。该天体看起来有点像一个模糊的保龄球瓶。









icy /'aɪsɪ/ adj. 被冰覆盖的

covered in ice

• an icy mountain road 冰封的山路


NASA /'næsə/ n. 美国航空航天局

(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) a US government organization that controls space travel and the scientific study of space


Ultima Thule 天涯海角

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