标题: 五道口63 | 活在当下,也要未雨绸缪
素材来源:Rick and Morty 第四季
1 a rut
be stuck in a rut 刻板乏味,墨守成规。
在这里呆了超过20年,我感觉一成不变,该是时候换份工作了。It is best time for me to change my job--- after more than 20 years I feel I am stuck in a rut.
keep out of a rut 随机应变。
遇到问题时,我们需要随机应变,就可以说 When meeting a chanllege, it is pretty necessary for us to keep out of a rut.
2 do me a solid
do me a solidr 帮个忙。
朋友对你说,帮个忙,可以借我10英镑吗?就可以说 do me a solid, lend me 10 pounds.
3 go with the flow
go with the flow 顺其自然、随波逐流。剧中,
当你大学毕业后,别人问你未来有什么打算,你可能会说:That's an interesting question, I am more likely to go with the flow. 这是个有趣的问题,但我可能会顺其自然吧。
4 snap out of it
snap out of it 振作起来
朋友愁眉苦脸,我们可以想想办法让他们振作起来,I will try my best to get you to snap out of it. 或者拍拍他的肩,然后对他说,Snap out of it.
5 pussy out
pussy out 临阵脱逃。
退缩没有用,关键是要解决问题,We shouldn't be pussying out but solve the problem.